801, 2020
Adopting Online Applications and Modern Technologies
To overcome challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership (UTEL) in the University of Bahrain adopted a set of modern technologies and applications to ensure the digitalization of the teaching and learning process in an interactive manner. UTEL conducted a full-day workshop that was [...]
801, 2020
UoB Trains School Teachers on Teaching Strategies
Bahrain Teachers College (BTC) collaborated with the Community Service Center at the University of Bahrain to organize an educational training course for private school teachers. This course aims to provide private school teachers with the teaching basics they need to perform their educational functions to the fullest. The teachers will [...]
801, 2020
Workshop: Developing Intended Learning Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators – UTEL
The workshop’s primary objectives were to outline the principles of maintaining the quality of education through the development of intended learning outcomes that are assessable. result-oriented, constructively aligned with the learning activities and assessment and affiliated with the national and international quality assurance systems and qualification frameworks. The workshop was [...]
801, 2020
Workshop: Enhancing the role of girls in the clean energy sector
This workshop was to introduce young girls and familiarize them with types of clean renewable energies driven from nature and their uses and to explore prospects to create an aware generation that will lead in the various fields of energy. The first week of the workshop focused on presenting several [...]
801, 2020
Gender Balance and COVID-19
This symposium was held in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program and the Supreme Council for Women. The symposium referred to the Kingdom’s achievements and women’s contributions to the national efforts to combat the pandemic and its repercussions. In addition, other important topics were discussed addressed in this symposium [...]
801, 2020
Working from home decision
The king’s support of mothers’ wish to work from home was clear on mother’s day as he announced that all working mothers in ministries, government agencies, and institutions can work from home. The University was committed to implementing his will and supported all work mothers in their staff.
801, 2020
University of Bahrain’s Business Incubator Center Accepts Incubation Applications
The Business Incubator Center has announces accepting incubation applications by students and graduates with ideas to establish businesses, announcing the launch of a set of qualification workshops to help in developing and crystallizing the ideas to proceed forward with the establishment of the businesses. The incubator had received many requests for registration to benefit from the programs and the events the incubator holds, noting that entrepreneurs from inside [...]
801, 2020
University of Bahrain and UNIDO discuss creating an entrepreneurship center
A potential cooperation was discussed between his excellency Professor Dr. Riyad Yousif Hamzah, President of the University of Bahrain, and Dr. Hashim S. Hussein, the Head of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) in the Kingdom of Bahrain to create a UNIDO center for [...]
801, 2020
University of Bahrain holds specialized workshops for students to prepare future entrepreneurs
Over 100 students at the University of Bahrain recently participated in the Entrepreneurship Skills Program during April and May 2021, organized by the University Business Incubator Centre at the university and in cooperation with several private companies and institutions from within and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Director of [...]
801, 2020
The University of Bahrain Business Incubator introduces its students to the experiences of prominent entrepreneurs
The Business Incubator Centre at the University of Bahrain has recently established a series of meetings with Bahraini and global entrepreneurs, with the aim of introducing university students to the entrepreneurial journey of several prominent entrepreneurs, to benefit from their personal experiences. The students were given the opportunity to ask [...]