Customer satisfaction influences the profitability of organizations and can keep competitive advantages. One of the critical factors in customer satisfaction is the availability of a quality scale that measures the service. The service quality aims to ensure that the service delivered meets customer expectations. However, with the popularity of using mobile devices, there are many electronic businesses shifted to mobile platforms. Mobile platforms have unique features that differ from Personal computers, such as mobility, portable, wireless. Mobile business is a category of business development refers to new business platforms that enabled by using the technology of wireless and mobile devices. In this case, measuring of service quality of the mobile business is necessary nowadays to ensure the delivered services with the best quality. Due to the lack of a comprehensive framework to evaluate service quality at the mobile business, the business sector uses electronic service quality measurement to evaluate mobile business services, which results in difficulties in identifying accurate results. Using the theoretical base model of offline service quality “SERVQUAL” and the online service quality model “E-S-QUAL,” the researchers were able to propose a framework of service quality to evaluate the services provided through mobile commerce. The proposed service quality framework is consisting of six dimensions that are application design, reliability, responsiveness, trust, efficiency, and system availability. The proposed service quality framework helps business providers for better development of business strategies and leads for best customers’ expectations due to the compatibility of the proposed model with the unique features of mobile devices with considerations of the environment of business sectors. © 2019, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.