Teaching English worldwide has proved to be more challenging with the development of technical and advanced science disciplines. Science and technical fields have made strides in introducing new curricula to supply the marketplace with employees and researchers by employing partnerships and modernized courses while some researchers argue that English language curricula maintain the same content and pedagogic practices (Colarusso, 2010; West and William, 2015). Although many English language practitioners have incorporated some cultural topics, they still face resistance from both students and colleagues. Therefore, English language teachers strive to re-examine their curriculum and educational outcomes in order to cope with the vibrant academic as well as global culture, especially in Higher Education sectors. While some English departments and centres have approached changing course materials and sometimes the curriculum itself, more research can help English teachers consider engaging students in designing and developing the curriculum. Many teachers complain about the lack of student engagement and motivation, especially in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC, henceforth) region, and hence this paper aims to encourage more active engagement with Higher Education students in interdisciplinary research. This paper critiques research-based education as discussed by contemporary pedagogic scholars and explores possibilities of engaging students in research and designing the curriculum as part of their higher education process. The paper focusses on research that solves real-world problems as indicated in 21 Century Skills. This research suggests that English teachers can implement constructive education through two research approaches. The first is research to develop the English language curriculum while the second is to involve students in an interdisciplinary research that employs English as a language as well as a knowledge vessel in their field. © 2019 Primrose Hall Publishing Group.