
The policy sets out the principles guiding the University’s engagement approaches and the different levels of engagement required for different purposes.


The Stakeholders Engagement Policy provides guidelines for stakeholders’ engagement and communication. It aims at ensuring that stakeholder engagement activities are transparent, systematic and effective.


Effort: project or activities are undertaken by University staff

Stakeholder: Any individual, group or organisation who has a vested interest in the outcome of a certain University’s effort.

Engagement activities: activities that the University undertakes to involve stakeholders in the University’s effort.


The Stakeholders Engagement Framework concerns all staff undertaking stakeholders’ engagement activities.

Policy Statement and Principles

  1. The University recognises that stakeholders’ engagement is essential to support the achievement of its strategic goals and that different levels of engagement are required for different efforts.
  2. The University Stakeholder Engagement Policy represents the University effort to achieve effective, accountable and transparent stakeholder engagement.
  3. The Stakeholder Engagement Policy is supported by the following principles:
    • Engagement activities should be purposeful and communicated clearly with stakeholders.
    • Engagement activities should be appropriate and relevant to the University mission, vision and strategic plan.
    • Information deriving from the engagement process should be open and honest, including results from evaluation activities and surveys.
    • The expertise, perspective and needs of stakeholders should be acknowledged and respected.
    • Stakeholder participation and feedback should be acknowledged and acted upon in a timely manner.

Stakeholders Engagement Model

The University implements its engagement principles through a five-step engagement process model:

  1. Identification of Stakeholders

Staff involved in efforts which require stakeholders’ engagement should identify and understand stakeholders which have an interest in the outcome of a certain University effort to ensure their participation and the transparency of the process.

Categories that stakeholders might fall into (but not limited to) are:

  • Students, Prospective Students, Alumni
  • Academic and Administrative Staff
  • Government and Private Agencies
  • General Public, Local Community, Press and Media
  1. Stakeholders Mapping

Staff involved in stakeholders’ engagement should define criteria for prioritizing stakeholders and select appropriate engagement mechanisms.

Stakeholders mapping should be carried out to determine who among stakeholders can have the most positive or negative influence on an effort and who is likely to be most affected by the effort.

  1. Communication Planning

Staff involved in stakeholders’ engagement should plan communications with stakeholders in order to guarantee the flow of clear and relevant information to stakeholders and to keep stakeholders engaged and supportive.

The communication plan should include bilateral communication where stakeholders’ feedback is sought openly and objectively, and important milestone are communicated to stakeholders.

  1. Engagement Activities

Staff involved in stakeholders’ engagement should determine the appropriate engagement activities required by the effort. The level of engagement should be defined by the objective, outcomes, timeframes, resources and levels of concern or interest in the effort.

  1. Action Plan

Staff involved in stakeholders’ engagement should identify opportunities from feedback and determine actions, revisit goals, and plan next steps for follow-up and future engagement.

Further Assistance

Questions related to the Stakeholders Engagement Policy can be directed to the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre via email: