
This policy lays out the maternal conditions and rights which aid women in education and/or employment.


Maternal and Paternal policy applies to all females, whether they are prospective students, alumni, academics, administrators, students, visitors, researchers, etc.


Maternal: refers to mother-related rules and guidelines.

Paternal: refers to father-related rules and guidelines.

Support Women: refers to allowing, enabling and driving women to proactively participate in education and work-related activities.

Policy Statement and Principles

  1. The University of Bahrain follows the Human Resources policies that enable and encourage women’s participation in the workplace, as well as offering a fulfilling study environment.
  2. The Maternal and Paternal Policy Which Supports Women is supported by the following principles as cited in the Civil Service Executive Regulations:

The University of Bahrain is subject to the Civil Service Laws and regulations. Hence, all government entities, including the University, stipulate special leaves exclusive to females. More specifically, Sections 3, 5 and 12 of Article 31 of the Civil Service Executive Regulation decreed by Decision No. 51/2012 based on the Civil Service Law No. 48/2010 are as follows:

  • Maternity Leave is stipulated by Article 31 (section 3) that:

“Sixty (60) days Delivery Leave for the female Employee commences from the first day of delivery date stated in the birth certificate provided the Employee notifies the Government Entity where she works and she may upon request be granted such leave prior to the date of expected delivery for the period not exceeding fifteen (15) days;”

  • Odda (Death of Husband) Leave is stipulated by Article 31 (section 5) that:

“Odda (Death of Husband Leave) for the female Muslim Employee for a period of four (4) months and ten (10) days in the event of the death of her husband, provided that Employee submits a certificate evidencing death of the husband. However, if the concerned Employee is pregnant and has delivered during her Odda, she shall not be compensated for delivery leave and shall be granted the remaining days of the delivery leave if such leave exceeded the Odda period, and in all cases supporting certificates shall be provided.”

  • The Breastfeeding (or Suckling) Leave is stipulated by Article 31 (section 3) that:

“Suckling Leave: Two suckling hours for the female employee on commencing duties after delivery for the purpose of caring for and feeding her newborn child until it is two years of age shall be scheduled in work interest provided the employee submits medical documents evidencing such care feeding.”

  • Given the lack of policies specific to fathers, there are no paternity leaves similar to ones for women as stipulated by the Civil Service executive regulations.


Further Information

Decision No. 51/ 2012 Promulgating the Executive Regulations of Civil Service