Showing for: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
View All Partnerships0101, 1970
The University of Bahrain joins the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
The College of Business Administration announced that the University of Bahrain is now a member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). This accomplishment represents the commitment of the University of Bahrain towards offering quality business education by following best international practices and enabling Bahraini students to be highly [...]
0101, 1970
University of Bahrain Partners with National Oil and Gas Authority, Tatweer Petroleum, Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning and Electricity and Water Authority
University of Bahrain Partners with National Oil and Gas Authority, Tatweer Petroleum, Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning and Electricity and Water Authority on a project with the aim of developing an ESCO market in the Kingdom based on best international practices. The university will also carry out [...]
0101, 1970
UOB Contributes to Bahrain’s Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The University of Bahrain’s team for Green House Gas (GHG) prepared a national report: “Bahrain’s Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”. This report was prepared as part of the collaboration between the Supreme Council for Environment and the UNDP. The team was formed in 2017 and includes academics from [...]
0101, 1970
University of Bahrain Partners with Bahrain Nursing Society (BNS)
In the first quarter of 2019, the president of the University of Bahrain met the reconstituted Bahrain Nursing Society and discussed different means of potential collaboration into other aspects of nursing research and education. In the same context, the university works towards the support of professional societies; the nursing department [...]
0101, 1970
University of Bahrain Partners with University Illinois Chicago
The Nursing Department at the College of Health and Sport Sciences has partnered with the University Illinois Chicago in 2018 to establish a Master’s in Nursing and other areas related to curriculum review.
0101, 1970
University of Bahrain Partners with American Heart Association (AHA)
Sustaining its role toward the local community health and wellbeing, the Nursing Department at College of Health and Sport Sciences obtained the renewal of certification as an International Training Center (ITC) by the American Heart Association (AHA) for three more years starting from June 2018. The non-profit ITC was the [...]
0101, 1970
University of Bahrain Partners with Scientific Society for Arab Nursing Faculties
Nursing Department at the College of Health and Sport Sciences is a member of Scientific Societies for Arab Nursing Faculties represented by Dr Leena Khonji Head of the Department. The nursing department collaborates with the SSANF to raise the level of education in the field of specialty and to promote [...]
0101, 1970
University of Bahrain Partners with John Hopkins University School of Nursing
As part of Nursing department recognition as a WHOCC, the department also build a partnership with other networks to extend collaborative work with other nursing schools. The nursing department at CHSS is an active member at the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery in John Hopkins [...]
0101, 1970
University of Bahrain Partners with World Health Organization (WHO)
The nursing department works closely with its partners to collaborate on various projects and initiatives and to implement sustainable development. The nursing department at the College of Health and Sports Sciences was redesignated as a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre (CC) for Nursing Development (WHOCC) in August 1990. The [...]
0101, 1970
The University of Bahrain has become an Associated Institute in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the European Nuclear Research Centre (CERN) and conducted two projects with CMS in 2019
In 2019, the University of Bahrain has become an Associated Institute in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the European Nuclear Research Center (CERN), adding to the University’s path of scientific excellence. This international collaboration is an important step for the Kingdom of Bahrain to achieve further global [...]