
This policy sets out to allow all eligible individuals to participate and organize University activities irrespective of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender.


  • create an environment that enhances learning, research and public services
  • share knowledge, and encourage citizens to benefit from the services offered by the University of Bahrain
  • achieve academic excellence
  • enhance the inclusiveness and participation of all individuals in society.


University Activity: Any activity being held or hosted by the university as part of its responsibility.

General Facilities: Facilities on the campus that are open to the public and serve the community (for example the Central Library, the English Language Resource Centre, the legal library, Sport Centre and Sh. Abdulaziz Hall) which are considered as open resources


This policy applies to all general facilities owned by and/or controlled by the University of Bahrain and all activities, or location of activities, for which the University has the responsibility as part of the University operations.

Policy Statement and Principles

The University of Bahrain (UoB), as a public institution, has a commitment to provide access and opportunities to its general facilities and activities for all people. The university recognizes and values the wide range of perspectives in all spheres of the academic enterprise. The University of Bahrain strictly abides by the Kingdom’s policies on equality and Inclusion strategies (Click here). Therefore, the university is committed to policies that promote inclusiveness regardless of race, colour, religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, or any other status protected by the Kingdom’s law (Inclusion Policy).