– To encourage walkability in the campus
– To reduce the dependency on cars
– To protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by limiting the use of cars
– To improve the health and wellbeing of faculty, staff and students through encouraging walkability and movement

The University of Bahrain continues to prioritize pedestrian access on campus. UoB continuously expands and improves its pedestrian network in terms of pavement, lighting and shading. For pavement, UoB uses locally produced material. For shading, indigenous types of trees are used to give maximum shade yet withstand the country’s harsh seasons with a minimum amount of water consumption. For lighting, UoB is gradually switching to LED lights in all its street lighting.
UoB strategically and in a balanced manner is utilizing inner campus areas for some of its new projects to maximize its pedestrian accessibility. This is the case of two new projects which are going to replace underutilized carparks. Those are the new Deanship of Students affairs and a new General Academic Building. Both projects are ready for construction tenders.