Support new teachers within the Ministry of Education

At a time of great need in the country, due to the retirement of approximately 3,000 teachers in the Ministry of Education, the Bahrain Teachers College received quick approval to open a one-year on-the-job version of its existing program, which previously took two years. Following the model of the PGCE in the UK, this program provides brand new teachers with an intensive training on pedagogical issues so they can be directly and immediately successful in the classroom. The program has reached 597 teachers prior to this academic year, and during this year, it is reaching over 200 teachers who will be fully completed with the program by June 2020. It involves 18 credits of academic study of pedagogical evidence for successful practice (equivalent of 270 hours of time in class plus 270 hours approximately of homework, studying, and preparation of assignments). It also involves intensive supervision of teaching practice, whereby a faculty member from the BTC comes to the school on multiple successive visits to provide direct one-on-one guidance for teaching practice.