The event is a global competition where thousands of teams worldwide work to solve challenges proposed by NASA engineers and scientists. Help humanity better its understanding of the Earth and our place in the cosmos and solve some of the great issues we face as a species, both down here and up there, among the stars.

For the very first time in Bahrain, NASA’s #SpaceApps Challenge 2019 Hackathon event organized by Clever Play Education & Training in collaboration with the National Space Science Agency (NSSA) is hosted and organized by the University of Bahrain. Participants can choose to attend as part of a fixed group or, alternatively, build their groups during the event. At the “pre-event” meet-up all attendees will have a chance to get to know each other and exchange ideas in order to start consolidating the event teams.
The two winning teams of the #SpaceAppsBahrain event will be chosen to enter the global competition, where NASA judges will determine the best solutions worldwide for the proposed challenges.