– Achieving the objectives of the 4th industrial revolution in Bahrain
– Discussing with the local authorities infrastructure and planning developments.

In the paper he co-authored with Dr. Mark Hodgkinson, Bapco’s Quality Assurance Manager and the Operational Excellence, Dr. Bin Shams described the journey of Bapco towards achieving the objectives of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The researchers explained current digital infrastructure and data-based applications such as advanced control systems, multi-variable prediction models currently in use, and smart control platforms for various databases.
The paper assessed the current technical and cultural gap in the areas of institutional and individual readiness for change and governance and the future roadmap for realizing the ideas of the 4th Industrial Revolution by 2024. The researchers explored some of the concepts through several mini projects, such as preventive maintenance of heat exchangers using operational data, and hence shifting from planned maintenance to pre-emptive maintenance. The paper was discussed with representation from different departments in the government at the event to address