HRH Princess Sabeeka pays tribute to Bahraini women
Manama, Nov. 30, 2019 (BNA): A tribute was paid to Bahraini women in recognition to their achievements and dedication in serving the nation and building its bright future. “I would like to express my sincere thanks and deep appreciation to every Bahraini woman who spares not efforts to serve her [...]
The 2nd International Conference on Sustainability and Resilience
The International Conference on Sustainability and Resilience is the second of the series of conferences and provides an international forum for presentations and discussion of research in all areas related to Sustainability and Resilience. This year’s special focus and theme for keynote speakers about Sustainability and resilience of engineering, [...]
The International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications
During the two days of the 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications, 432 participants from 52 countries took part in 60 parallel sessions to present 236 papers for a total of +80 hours of scientific discussions about decision aid sciences and applications (Photo from the closing ceremony). [...]
International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry
The conference aims to provide an excellent international platform to researchers, data scientists, business managers, and industry practitioners to meet and exchange their ideas and novel approaches to the technical challenges of a data driven world. It provides a premier interdisciplinary forum for sharing knowledge and discussing the most recent [...]
COVID-19 and the Future of Education
Kimberly Parekh is currently the UNICEF Gulf Area Office Senior Education Advisor, where she is focused on creating a regional and country level education strategic framework. Relevant to the subject of this webinar, Kimberly has directly worked in the professional development of teachers around the world, focusing primarily on in-service [...]
Webinar #8: What have we learnt? Overview of national responses to COVID-19
The joint UNICEF-UNESCO-World Bank webinar series is organized around the Framework for reopening of schools and its latest Supplement, as part of the Global Education Coalition on COVID-19 efforts to support governments in strengthening distance learning and facilitating the reopening of schools. The eighth webinar will focus on the results of a survey on national education [...]
Coronavirus Under the Microscope
أكد المشاركون في ندوة “فايروس كورونا تحت المجهر” أهمية الحفاظ على سلامة وصحة المواطنين والمقيمين في مملكة البحرين، مشيدين بوعأ المجتمع وتكاتفه في التقيد بالإجراءات الاحترازية، وبالإنجازات التي تحققت والتقدم الذي حصل في التصدي للجائحة منذ يناير الماضي 2020م. ودعا المتحدثون في الندوة – التي نظمتها عمادة شؤون الطلبة في [...]
Corona Pandemic (COVID-19) and its Effects on Work Contracts in the Private Sector Between Theory and Practice
In activation of the memorandum of joint cooperation between the University of Bahrain and the Legislation and Legal Opinion Commission in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Legislation and Legal Opinion Commission hosted Dr. Salah Muhammad Ahmed, Acting Dean of the College of Law, on its electronic platform Zoom on Monday [...]
Best Practices in Teaching and Learning Information Technology During COVID-19
Webinar series on Best Practices in Teaching and Learning Information Technology During COVID-19 Pandemic Sustainable Education 7th October 2020, Wednesday, 11:00am to 12:05pm Moderator: Dr. Hessa Al-Junaid The link for the registration is the following:
Eskan Bank Award for Creative Engineering “Vertical Eco – Living”
Eskan Bank Award for Creative Engineering (Vertical Eco – Living) Seventh Edition 2019 / 2020
3rd Smart Cities Symposium
HOME | 3rd_Smart_Cities 2020 To create awareness about the future prospects of Smart Cities, as a platform to exchange ideas and throughout in an international prospects. Emphasizing the role of universities in the region in promoting Smart Cities, Consultancy, Smarter Ideas, Continuity in the form of publications and creating [...]