The university, through its faculty, delivers community outreach programs in the local community such as publishing articles in local newspapers, providing free training and lectures, active participation in national committees, serving as Jury members in competition, volunteering in youth development programs, membership in professional and social societies among many others.

IDName – First Community Service: Name of Organization/School/NGO – Audience – Number of Attendees – Type of Community Service – Details –

1 Ali Bin Thani Akhbar AlKhaleej Bahrain Community Article Newspaper article
2 Dr. Huda Mohamed Almadhoob Open Source Online Platform to disseminate the knowledge of complexity, systems and networks: NETx Posts * 14 The Public Article several posts published both on my personal (h.madhoob) and professional account (mainly posting stories related to architecture and architecture research methods), (netx_lab), which are related to my area of expertise in complexity management and networks, I make sure that these are bilingual to engage with a wider follower base while making sure that nothing is lost in translation.
3 Dr. S. Mahmood Alqallaf Albilad Newspapers Public Newspaper readers Article Articles on health issues
4 Dr. S. Mahmood Alqallaf Alayam Newspaper Public Newspaper readers Article Different roles of Pharmacists
5 Hatem Ahmed Alsridi جمعية البحرين الخيرية عام Article  كتابة مقال نُشر ضمن مجلة البحرين الخيرية والمساهمة في نشاطاتها
6 Jihene Bint Alshadhly Kaabi publish a scientific article in a newspaper Article
7 Osama Mahdi Al-Mahdi Newspaper Public Article المشاركة في تغطية صحفية تتعلق بدور سمو رئيس الوزراء الموقر في تطوير التعليم بمملكة البحرين – 1 يناير 2020 العدد 4096 صحيفة البلاد
8 Osama Mahdi Al-Mahdi newspaper public Article المشاركة في تغطية صحفية البلاد عن دور أولياء الأمور في تعليم الأطفال في المنزل خلال جائحة كورونا 25 مارس 2020
9 Abdelmohsen M Desoky (Essays in a daily newspaper (2 activities The community Article An essay in a daily newspaper
10 Abdelmohsen M Desoky (Essays in a daily newspaper (2 activities The community Article An essay in a daily newspaper
12 احلام راشد القاسمي جريدة الايام Article مقال
13 احلام راشد القاسمي جريدة الايام Article هل يمكن الاستغناء عن الدولة
14 د. نادر حسن كاظم مجلة الثقافة الشعبية عام Article مقال في مجلة علمية
15 حياة عبدالله يوسف نشر  5 مقالات علمية في جرائد وصحف ومجلات محلية Article
16 GOKHAN BORA AKTAN Press-Gulf Business Bahrain Businessmen-Businesswomen Article Saudi Arabia Transformation Plan
17 Elsayed A. H. Elamir r software public site r software users Article How to make structure equation model graph
18 Elsayed A. H. Elamir r software public site r software users Article neural network plot
19 Elsayed A. H. Elamir r software public site r software users Article how to create graph using graph function
20 Elsayed A. H. Elamir r software public site r software users Article how to make canonical correlation plot
21 Gehan Abdel-Hady Mousa Publish an article on 30 December 2019 – Alwatan Newspaper The public Article Publish an article on 30 December 2019 – Alwatan Newspaper
22 Abdallah binmohamed Bahloul مقال عن الردود النقدية قراء مجلة عالم الفكر. المجلس الوطني للثقافة والفنون والاداب الكويت غير محدود Article
23 Neesha Khan Malik Gulf Daily News Articles Readers of local news Article News articles and letters on recent and educational concerns
24 Leena Mohammad Khonji Published article related to the professional background and experience in women’s health public Article Published article related to women’s health , published @Altebi Journal
25 Parween Ebrahim Artcile in the GDN Parents, educators, and other interested readers Article A newspaper article about the educational benefits of read alouds in the times of COVID-19.
27 Mehwish Adeeb Klix software house Students , and general public who use e-media Article Topics such as, personality grooming, meditation, self esteem and ego , how we can make ourselves effective
28 د.أماني السيد موسى الحلواجي صحيفة البلاد البحرينية المجتمع البحريني Article شاركت كمتحدثة ضمن فئة الخبراء في تحقيق صحفي تحقيق صحفي حول الألعاب الإلكترونية
29 الدكتورة ضياء عبدالله الكعبي جريدة أخبار الخليج قراء الصحيفة Article كتابة مقال ثقافي
30 Dr. Ehab Juma Adwan دراسات حديثة Readers non limited Article
31 Dr. Ehab Juma Adwan جريدة البلاد _ 2 Readers non limited Article
32 يحيي محمد ربيع المحاكم الشرعية Article (بحث علمي بعنوان(العمري الشرعية دراسة فقهية مقارنة مع التطبيق العملي في الدائرة السنية بمحاكم وزارة العدل )
33 عبد الفتاح أحمد يوسف صحيفة الجزيرة السعودية قراء الصحيفة في الوطن العربي Article النقد الأدبي والفلسفة
34 شعيب عبدالمنعم الغباشي صحيفة الوطن جمهور القراء العام أعداد كثيرة Article الثورة الصناعية الرابعة …أين نحن منها؟
35 شعيب عبدالمنعم الغباشي صحيفة الوطن جمهور القراء العام Article  مؤتمر دولي عن الدور الحضاري لفريضة الزكاة بمملكة البحرين
36 أحمد محمد أحمد بحيت المجلس الأعلى للشئون الإسلامية المشاركون والمدعوون لا يقل عن المائة Article مشكلات الأولاد بعد فراق الأبوين  في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة  واختيارات قانون الأسرة البحريني .دراسة مقارنة ( بحث محكم
37 Fatima Alshaer Al-Watan news Public Article Wrote an article on the educational technology future.
38 Dr. Huda Mohamed Almadhoob Article in News paper The Public Article مقال جائحة كورونا باعتبارها فرصة لاعادة بناء نظم الادارة
39 Noor Nabeel Aldoy Newspaper Articles Readers of Alayam newspaper Readers of Alayam newspaper Article Wrote an article about the role of 3D printing in fighting COVID19 &  another article about 3D printing and sustainability
40 Hadeel  Alobaidy كتابة مقالة بصحيفة الوطن تحت عنوان :دور تقنية المعلومات الاتصالات في صناعة الابداع والابتكار غير محدود Article
41 Hadeel  Alobaidy كتابة مقالة في صحيفة الوطن تحت عنوان نحو خطوات ومبادرات لتشجيع الابتكار: دور المرأة البحرينية في مجال التكنولوجيا وعلوم المستقبل متعدد غير محدود Article
42 Dr. S. Mahmood Alqallaf Altebbi Local Magazine Public Readers Articles Health Issues
43 Nirmala.G Breast cancer awareness  day UoB students and staff 400 Lecture Sponsors from local hospitals for assessment and awareness
44 د. سمير محمد نقد  (هيئة البحرين للثقافة والآثار) المهتمون بأمثال شعب البحرين ولغته وعاداته وثقافته وتراثه لا حصر لهم. Book تم تسليم الكتاب للهيئة لدراسته وطباعته، وهو معجم لأمثال البحرين الشعبية مرتبة على حروف المعجم في أربعة أجزاء (معجم أمثال البحرين).
45 Alauddin Al-Omary Ministry of Education ادارة المناهج Book Review ٌمراجعة المحتوى العلمي للمقرر الاثرائي مهارات الروبوبوت للمرحلة الثانوية
46 Abduyah Yaakub Cleaning beach voluntarily with no formal organisation involved + Sharing food with the poor (one to one basis) Bahraini citizen + residents Community Support I usually do it every Saturday morning, on my own accord.
47 Neesha Khan Malik Bahrain Road Runners triathletes and athletes Charity Race running to raise money for charitable causes
48 Dr.Sumathi Kumaraswamy Indian Ladies Association Workers Community Support Participated in Workers welfare activity: Distribution of dry ration to workers in Labor camp in Khamis organized by Indian Ladies Association on 25th October 2019
49 Dr.Sumathi Kumaraswamy Indian School Bahrain Community Support Book donated to Indian School Bahrain Library
50 Dr.Sumathi Kumaraswamy Indian School Bahrain Community Support Student Scholarship Fee donated to Indian School Bahrain
51 حياة عبدالله يوسف Arabian Pearl Gulf (APG) School academic and administrative staff Community Support Contributing in Arabian Pearl Gulf (APG) School Activities for the academic year 19 20
52 Fatema Abdulla Mohammed Hasan Ali Blood Bank volunteers to donate Community Support as part of the Cancer event, a blood donation campaign was organized.
53 GOKHAN BORA AKTAN Royal Humanitarian Foundation Yateem 1 Community Support
54 GOKHAN BORA AKTAN Royal Humanitarian Foundation Yateem 1 Community Support
55 GOKHAN BORA AKTAN Royal Humanitarian Foundation Yateem 1 Community Support
56 Adnan Farah Serving as a Member of the Parents & Teachers Council at East Refaa Boys Secondary School School Teachers, Students and Parents. Community Support The main role was to assist in building strong relationships among parents, teachers and schools, in support of students.
57 Nagib Ghaleb Nasher Pakistan Urdu School School mangement 3 Community Support Discussing and producing solutions for the school activities
58 Afaf Ebrahim Mohamed Future Society of Youth – Smile initiative The new headquarters for Smile foundation for Children with Cancer and their parents. Community Support 40 students from the architecture program worked on the design and the supervision of the new headquarters of smile foundation in Mahooz.
59 Layla Karajica Afkarech: Female Network & Women Empowerment Dar Al Karama & Dar Al Aman Around 20 Community Support Ramadan initiative by Afkarech to help women in shelters. More that 80 boxes were prepared, packed and distributed to two shelters.
61 Mehwish Adeeb Funds generation Students , needy people Community Support Accumulating funds for supporting education systems for the students and to help the other needy around due to covid-19
62 Hajar Ali Kadhem Kanoo International School Students 35 Competition Jury Member I assed 35 students on Character’s Day individually. I received an official Trophy for my contribution to the event.
63 Hussain Mohsen Al-Arayedh World Robot Olympiad Association (Bahrain) Students from different age groups and academic level: Primary, Elementary, and Secondary as well as University students Between 300 – 500 Competition Jury Member Judging the students’ competition based on their projects and robotics assembly and maneuvering
64 أ. د عبد الستار إبراهيم رحيم الهيتي اللجنة العلمية لمؤتمر الطب النبوي الأول ـ البحرين الأطباء والمعالجون الشرعيون Competition Jury Member
65 Dr. Faten Saad Mahmoud Abdel-Hameed Gulf Petroleum Industries Corporation (GPIC) Secondary School Students Competition Jury Member Evaluator of Education & GPIC environmental competition between secondary school students in both government and private schools
66 Noor Nabeel Aldoy Jury member at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, KSA Industrial Design Studio 7 students Around 20 Competition Jury Member External Jury member for Industrial Design Studio 7 students at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University in Saudi Arabia.
67 Dr. Ghassan Alkoureiti Game Jam Hackathon Bahraini Youth 100 Competition Jury Member Part of the jury who decided the top game projects completed within 48 hours marathon according to a specified theme
68 Dr. Ghadeer Ismail Mohammed BWALLET competition students Competition Jury Member evaluated all the prototypes and chose the winners.
69 Hanan Albuflasa Ministry of Education School students Competition Jury Member part of the annual competition that is organized by GLOBE program under the Ministry of Education to school students
71 Dr. Youssef Mohamed Harrath Keepers: incubator center in Bahrain entrepreneurs and graduate students 30 Competition Jury Member Examiner
72 منى عبد اللطيف عبد الله إسماعيل وزارة العدل والشئون الإسلامية والأوقاف بالتعاون مع وزارة الداخلية النزيلات القاطنات بمركز النزيلات المشاركات في مسابقة البحرين الكبرى لحفظ القرآن الكريم 20-30 Competition Jury Member   تقوم وزارة العدل والشئون الإسلامية والأوقاف سنويا بالإعلان عن مسابقة البحرين الكبرى لحفظ القرآن الكريم وتجويد وتفسيره، مع تخصيص فرع خاص لنزلاء سجون المؤسسات العقابية يطلق عليه “غفران”. وقد شاركت في السنوات الماضية في عضوية لجان تحكيم هذا الفرع وغيره من الفروع الخاصة بالمسابقة.
73 الدكتورة ضياء عبدالله الكعبي جائزة الأميرة سبيكة للأسر المنتجة عضو هيئة تحكيم الأسر المنتجة في الوطن العربي وفي مملكة البحرين خمسون شخصا Competition Jury Member تحكيم الجائزة على مدى سبع سنوات
74 الدكتورة ضياء عبدالله الكعبي مؤسسة بحربن تراست أطفال المدارس المصغرة في الوطن العربي Competition Jury Member تحكيم
75 Dr. S. Mahmood Alqallaf Bahrain Pharmacists Society Pharmacists Society Members Consultation
76 Dr. Diana AbdulKarim Aljahromi EMI QMP, TAFA NOVA Innovation in Education International: All involved in English-Mediated Instruction at the HE and K12 instruction Consultation Provide insights on the development of EMI programs in HE and K12 instruction
77 Wael Mohamed El-Medany Ministry of Education NA 0 Consultation Book Review “Robotics”
78 Wael Mohamed El-Medany Ministry of Education NA 0 Consultation Book Review “RasbriPi”
79 Fuad Alansari Bahrain International Garden Show – BIGS (consultation) All residents and visitors of Bahrain Consultation NIAD, organizers of BIGS, consult me on annual bases on how to improve the coming cycles of the exhibition and to do brain storming for the coming themes.  UoB also did the design, free of charge, for the main theme stand.
80 Lamya Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Consultation Workshop Consultation
81 Dr. Abdelbaky Abouzeid  (Ministry of Justice) The Holy Quran Teachers Consultation – Member of Scientific Council of the Institute of readings and the preparation of teachers of the Holy Quran
82 Prof. Khalil Yousif Alkhalili World Journal of Education Researchers Consultation Reviewing research article for publishing
83 Prof. Khalil Yousif Alkhalili Global Research in Higher Education Researchers Consultation Reviewing research article for publishing
84 Ibrahim Suliman Ahmed Mukhtar المشاركة في مقابلة الطلاب الملتحقين بكلية البحرين للمعلمين. وزارة التربية والتعليم تقويم 9 سبتمبر 2020 9 سبتمبر 2020 لطلاب الملتحقين بكلية البحرين للمعلمين Consultation Journal of Computers & Education
85 Ibrahim Suliman Ahmed Mukhtar Journal of Education and Development (ISSN 2529-7996; E-ISSN 2591-7250)- Singapore 189721- Consultation 13 th International Conference on e-Learning 2019, that will be held in Porto, Portugal, July 17-19, 2019 organized by International Association for Development of the Information Society-iadis
86 Asma Ayari BIPA Post-graduate students Consultation thesis Reviewer for 4 Msc. T hesis
87 Mehdi Mili Alkali consumer cooporatice society Board members Consultation Giving consultation to the boar members to increase the financial resources of the society.
88 Mehdi Mili Saar charity fund Board members Consultation Giving recommendations to enhance the fund financial resources.
89 Sayel Ramadhan Applied Science University Dean and faculty at college of business Consultation External Examiner
90 Sayel Ramadhan University of Jordan The president and faculty of business Consultation Academic Promotion External Examiner
91 Dr. Rania AbuRaya Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Bahrain High school students, teachers, and schools in Bahrain Consultation Bahrain Ministry of Education Material Review and Content Update Committee Member for Consultation on and Revision of Accounting Courses.
92 Dr. Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky Validation Panel Member in the Education & Training Quality Assurance Authority, National Qualifications Framework, Bahrain Consultation Consultation from 28 October 2018 to present.
93 Dr. Maysoon Awadh Ministry of education Secondary school students Consultation revision of the practical manual of BIOLS 101 for secondary school;
94 Dr. Abdulla Almutawah Bapco competition of green schools in Bahrain with Al-Noor Secondary School for Girls team. Al-Noor Secondary School for Girls team Consultation Supervision and support for Alnoor school team’s in Bapco competition of green schools in Bahrain. Al-Noor Secondary School for Girls won the second place for its project.
95 Layla Mohammed Al-Shagri Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Consultation Revising the scientific contents of “Chemistry 1” for secondary shools
96 Layla Mohammed Al-Shagri Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Consultation Revising the scientific contents of class 1, 2, and 3 of Intermediate level for part 1 and 2
97 Layla Jasim Hazeem Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Consultation Reviewing  a scientific book (Intermediate level)
98 Layla Jasim Hazeem Analyzing samples for The Bahrain voluntary diving team Bahrain voluntary diving team Consultation Samples collected from a dead whale were analyzed in the Lab.
99 EBTISAM UNEP-SCE ALL OF US Consultation National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Kingdom of Bahrain
100 Ruqaia Taha Alalwani شركة بانكرز شركة Consultation  استشارات فقهية للشركة
101 أ. د عبد الستار إبراهيم رحيم الهيتي  مجلس الفتوى ـ الدكتور عبد الستار الهيتي مستخدموا وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على الواتساب Consultation تلقي الأسئلة والاستفتاءات الشرعية الفقهية والإجابة عليها
102 أ. د عبد الستار إبراهيم رحيم الهيتي قناة الدكتور عبد الستار الهيتي على اليوتيوب Consultation
103 أ. د عبد الستار إبراهيم رحيم الهيتي موقع الدكتور عبد الستار الهيتي على الانستغرم Consultation
104 أ. د عبد الستار إبراهيم رحيم الهيتي ندوة الأوقاف السنية ـ  الأسس الشرعية لبناء واستقرار المجتمع أئمة وخطباء ووعاظ مساجد البحرين Consultation
105 رضا محمود مثناني فكرة سمو ولي العهد/ ٢٨.١٠.٢٠١٩ اللجنة التنظيمية لفكرة سمو ولي العهد 15 Consultation دليل العلم الوطني لمملكة البحرين: قراءة سميولوجية
106 عمر حمدان رويجع الكبيسي عمل تعاوني كافة المتخصصين في علوم اللغة العربية والشريعة الإسلامية مئات Consultation فكرة المشروع: توزيع كلمات القرآن على أبواب النحو والصرف
107 Hatem Ahmed Alsridi جمعية وطني البحرين عام لا ينطبق Consultation تقديم الاستشارة والمساهمة في نشاطات الجمعية
108 Hatem Ahmed Alsridi جمعية الصحفيين البحرينية الصجفيين والإعلاميين Consultation تقديم الاستشارة والمساهمة في نشاطات الجمعية
109 خالد خليفة السعد إدارة الأوقاف السنية المواطنون والمقيمون رجالا ونساء غير معروف Consultation الإجابة على أسئلة الناس الشرعية اليومية عبر الهاتف والواتساب
110 د.عبدالستار عبدالباقي العزاوي جمعية البحرين للجودة مختلف شرائح المجتمع كبير Consultation مشاركة الجمعية في مختلف نشاطاتها
111 Layla Ali Ashoor Bahrain MS Society MS patients and corers 100-120 Consultation Organizing land moderating webinars for the MS families with MS consultants
112 Shaker Mohamed Haji United Nations Environment Programme Engineers/Scientists from companies which could potentially emit persistent organic pollutants Within UOB, UNEP, and SCE: 17. Within the companies: 80-140 (through training workshops) Consultation The Development of National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Kingdom of Bahrain
113 Guy Matthew Parker Bahrain Quality Assurance BQA Examinations Dept. (English G6, G12) and problem Solving Dept. Varying between 2 – 5 occasionally more Consultation Confidential consultancy, examination editing, item writing, examination vetting, proofreading  (for English and Problem Solving)
114 Diane Prieur Play Performance Pirates of Penzance Bahrain local schools and community 800 Consultation Under the patronage of HE Prof Hamzah who attended the performance, I worked with students to write an original script, design original costumes and design build a 15 foot pirate ship for the set. I directed students in over 150 hours of rehearsals to perform an adaptation of Pirates of Penzance. Students from munitions community schools attended the performance which was open to UOB students snd the general public.
115 Faisal Isa Hammad BQA BIBF 5 Consultation Validating a qualification for BIBF to be placed in the NQF
116 Fawzi Abdulaziz Albalooshi MOE Bahraini Students 0 Consultation Review of the IT program for all school years
117 Fawzi Abdulaziz Albalooshi MOE, UAE University of UAE many Consultation Review of the PHD program in IT
118 Dr. Jalal Mohamed Khlaifat برنامج ولي العهد لتقييم مراكز الخدمة الحكومية – مقيم مراكز الخدمة الحكومية Consultation مرفق
119 Jihene Bint Alshadhly Kaabi Keepers business incubator Freshly graduated students from all the Kingdom universities 30 Consultation I was a panel member to evaluate startup projects.
120 Dr. Fatema Abdulqader Albalooshi SIVP journal Journal audience on the internet so it’s actually hard to count the number Consultation Served as paper reviewer for this journal
121 Dr. Fatema Abdulqader Albalooshi Ministry of Education Ministry of Education students and instructors Consultation served as Academic book reviewer
122 Dr. Hana Mohamed Aljawder Al-Iman School Primary building Consultation Provided Al-Iman Girls School with free consultation in redesigning some of school interior spaces.
123 S. M. Zakir Hossain Bangladesh School Bahrain School Students 25 Consultation Took oral exam
124 Dr. Sawsan Hilal Oxford Business Group The readers of the report about Bahrain Insurance Consultation Oxford Business Report Consultation
125 Tariq Alalwan AMA International School, Bahrain Highschool Students Consultation Judge for annual “Science Fair”
126 PREETI   JAISWAL NatGeo – Learning Resource Centre Level 1 and Level 2 Foundation year students of English Language Centre Level 1 and Level 2 Foundation year students of English Language Centre Consultation Prepared and facilitated study group sessions Assist students in language skills and conducted remedial workshops for ELC students
127 May Ali Khalfan School Student 1 Consultation Interview with student about climate change
128 Maryam Ali Abu Alfateh An evaluator within the assessors team for the Bahrain Best Practices and Governance Program The program is under the umbrella of the Prime Minister’s Court. We target public entities. Consultation Bahrain Best Practices and Governance Program target public entities, assess their best practices and document them. We produce a report each year.
129 Maryam Ali Abu Alfateh Member of the Parents and Teachers Association for Abdul Rahman Kanoo International School Abdul Rahman Kanoo International School Consultation Providing everything that supports the smoothness and continuity of education processes and creating development opportunities through which we can bridge and implement ideas, which ensures the achievement of the desired goals for all parents and submits them to the school decision-makers, in addition to conveying the parents’ point of view and the challenges they face in the education process of their children.
130 Maryam Ali Abu Alfateh Founder and member of the Alumni Network for the Bahrain Institute for Public Management (BIPA) We serve all graduate of the Bahrain Institute for Public Management (BIPA) programs Consultation The Alumni Network has studied the initiative, prepared the necessary documents for establishing the network and managed to get the required approvals. The network has been approved officially and is able to continue with its agenda. The initial launch of the alumni network was made on January 29, 2020, and work is underway to complete the necessary requirements in accordance with the executive regulations in order to move to the next phase and the official launch and activation of the network.
131 Abdelmohsen M Desoky The Society of Excellence and Academic Research – Kingdom of Bahrain  Board members of the Society of Excellence and Academic Research Consultation  Preparation of the annual accounts/reports & membership
132 احلام راشد القاسمي وزارة الداخلية قسم مكافحة المخدارت و الادمان Consultation اللجنة الاعلامية لمكافحة المخدرات
133 د. السيد عيسى جواد الوداعي الشفاهية في شعر الشيخ حسن الدمستاني Consultation
134 Nehal Ali Almurbati EuroMotors Students, artist, judges Consultation Dr. Nehal Supervised a team of students to participate in the Euto motors competition for the design of the car of the future where the 2 teams of 7 students won the first and second prize
135 Nehal Ali Almurbati British council university open day Orive school senior students Consultation In collaboration with the British council I advised students about the expereince of studying aborad
136 Nehal Ali Almurbati Royal University for Women Jury member RUW Interior Design Students Consultation I acted as a jury member for RUW students design studio 2 and 4
137 Reem Abbas Sultan INJAZ Bahrain Students 5 specific to me Consultation Preparing youth with consultation for business HacKathon
138 Md Shah Alam Bangladesh School-Bahrain Board of Director members 10 Consultation Discuss the academic issues of Bangladesh School-Bahrain
139 Tamadher Ali Alfahal Ahlia University Graduate Students 10 Consultation External Juror for Senior Projects
140 Ayesha Agha Shah Design suggestion for the private organization Drchitect 1 Consultation Design discussion on the Art Installation work
141 Sherry Nasralla Tawfik Nasralla Bahrain Public Transport company – Al Hilal Hospital – Diabetes Awareness Roadshow General Public Variable Consultation Meeting with the general public visiting the red bus for detection of diabetes and performing a mini-check up and counselling them on lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes and chronic illnesses and responding to questions on drug therapy.
142 أحمد محمد زكي Bahrain eGroverment Consultation Bahrain Open Data Focus Group, Member of the Discussion Group, 26 Jun’19
143 Amal Mohamed Alrayes BQA هيئة جودة التعليم والتدريب Consultation Review Panel Leader for Bachelor in Management Information Systems offered by Applied Science University
144 Amal Mohamed Alrayes Supreme Council for Women Consultation Conducting research about the Women in Higher Education and Scientific Research
145 abeer salman dawood هيئة جودة التعليم والتدريب لا يوجد Consultation ترشيح د نورة الشملان ضمن لجنة فحص ملف التسكين لبرنامج البكالويوس في القانون  لجامعة المملكة
146 Dr. Ali Hussein Zolait  Bahrain Society of Engineers. Juffair , Kingdom of Bahrain Academician, Researchers , Industry in Bahrain 500+ Consultation ICFIR2019 Program chair: International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution: Industry 4.0, Transition & Capacity of GCC Countries. Organized by Bahrain Society of Engineers. Kingdom of Bahrain
147 Dr. Ali Hussein Zolait Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers – Kuwait Section Academician , researchers , industry 400+ Consultation conference committees
148 Anwaar Abdulla Buzaboon Government Service Center Evaluation Government Service Centers Consultation Attends all meetings, give workshop, supervise the secret shoppers, evaluate final results, other related work
149 Gehan Abdel-Hady Mousa Bahrain Autistics Society The public Consultation Participation in meetings
150 Dr. Ghadeer Ismail Mohammed  SCW young Bahraini women Consultation mentor for all teams
151 Hanan Albuflasa Supreme Council for Environment Public (National and International) Consultation Preparing the Third National Call for GHG, which included the inventory and mitigation of the level and sources of GHG in the kingdom of Bahrain
152 marwan kamal altheeb National Health Regulatory Authority Healthcare workers and facilties 3 workshops for healthcare workers for 100+ , 30+ health facilities audited Consultation Participated at the national hospital accreditation program and contributed to several accreditation audits of Covid -19 Facilities in the Kingdom as well as providing training workshop to health care workers to prepare for accreditation.
153 د.أماني السيد موسى الحلواجي مدرسة  الأندلس  الإيتدائية للبنات Consultation تقديم استشارة علمية حول افضل التطبيقات الذكية المخصصة للقراءة الرقمية للأطفال
154 الدكتورة ضياء عبدالله الكعبي أسرة الأدباء والكتاب الجمهور الثقافي في البحرين Consultation متابعات واستشارات ثقافية
155 Dr. Diana AbdulKarim Aljahromi Regional Coordinator of Global Englishes-EMI Network (UK) International: All involved in English-Mediated Instruction at the HE and K12 instruction Coordination Coordinate in the region the following: Global Englishes-EMI Network (UK)’s Conference Calls – Conferences and events where you can engage with your research community Teacher Training Resource – Various resources to assist your teaching and understanding of EMI practices Reading Lists – Recommendations for independent learning on EMI practice and training EMI Teacher Training Programmes – Either face-to-face or online EMI training programmes for academics and teachers around the world
156 Ahmed Mansoor Alkhan Society in Bahrain General Citizens N / A Community Support Contribution
157 S. M. Zakir Hossain Bangladesh School Bahrain School organizers 30 Community Support 300 BD was donated for welfare of school.
158 Dr. Sawsan Hilal FINAKHAIR, National Donation Campaign in Cooperation with Charitable Societies in Bahrain Bahrain Residents Community Support FINAKHAIR, National Donation Campaign in Cooperation with Charitable Societies in Bahrain
159 Tariq Alalwan Isa Town Social Charity Society Orphans Community Support Monetary Donation to Orphans
160 Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq Bangladesh Youth Club Bahrain Broader community Environment Related Activity August 2019: I participated in BYC-Bahrain’s event to clean beach area in Seef as the organization’s commitment to a better environment.
161 MAKARAND UPADHYAYA Lions Club of Riffa-Kingdom of Bahrain School children and school staff Environment Related Activity Tree plantation at Indian School, Riffa , Bahrain
162 Yomna Abdulla Evaluation Visit to  EWA Oct 2019 Government service centers Consultation This was part of the government initiatives to make sure that government services centres are efficiently functioned.
163 Yomna Abdulla Evaluation Visit to NPRA  Oct 2019 Government service centre Consultation
164 Thuraya A.Rahman Almansoori Ministry of Education Ministry of education, schools. teachers and students Consultation Reviewing the scientific contents of the textbooks for the governmental secondary schools (Biology 1)
165 Dr. Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky VIVA Panel Member and Research examiner of Master thesis titled “Work Pressure Effect on Employees performance: Case Study of Employees of Interior Ministry Working in the Highway of King Fahed Bridge”. Royal Academy of Police. Ministry of Interior, Kingdom of Bahrain, Royal Academy of Police. Ministry of Interior, Kingdom of Bahrain External Examiner on the 5th of May 2019.
166 Dr. Abdulla Almutawah Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA) Bahrain Training Institute (BTI) External Examiner Validation panels for the qualification placement of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The validation process was fulfilled with Education & Training Quality Authority (BQA). The placement of the qualification titled “ National Diploma in Laboratory Management” offered by Bahrain Training Institute (BTI) under NQF levels.
167 Faisal Isa Hammad Royal Academy for Police Master thesis defense panel 6 External Examiner Examining a master thesis in the Royal Academy for Police
168 Faisal Isa Hammad Royal Academy for Police Master thesis defense panel 6 External Examiner Examining a master thesis in the Royal Academy for Police
169 Dr. Hana Mohamed Aljawder Royal University for Women Interior Design students of Royal University for Women External Examiner Served as an external examiner in Design 5 Jury
170 Tariq Alalwan The Indian School, Bahrain Class XII students External Examiner Conducting practical examination for Class XII students (AISSCE)
171 Minwir Al-Shammari External examiner of an M.S thesis titled “Incentives and Job Satisfaction of Employees in the Ministry of Interior in the Kingdom of Bahrain”. Royal Police Academy, Bahrain. External Examiner External Examiner 2019
172 Dr. Haifa Ebrahim Mohamed Al Khalifa Royal University for Women Students and Fcaulty External Examiner External Examiner in the Master’s thesis viva panel at RUW
173 Md Shah Alam Bangladesh School-Bahrain Students 25 External Examiner Serve as an external examiner for practical examination of higher maths.
174 Noor Nabeel Aldoy Facilitating Alnaseem School visit to University of Bahrain School students and teachers approximately 60 students maybe. I am not entirely sure Community Support Introducing Alnaseem school students to UOB facilities and majors that could be of their interest in the future.
175 Nirmala.G Bahrain Red crescent society Public 200 Community Support As UoB representative participated along with year 2 BSc Nursing students to render service to public at Lulu Aali mall for World health day 2019 to assess and educate the public about healthy lifestyle and disease prevention
176 PREETI   JAISWAL Coordinated INJAZ training workshop in which 27 English Language Centre staff members received INJAZ _ training so that they could train all Level 1 and level 2 Foundation students ‘Head Start Program’ on 9 May 2018. ELC faculty members 27 English Language Centre staff members Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain (Although, these events took place in May 2018 but, they are big achievements and as I couldn’t include them in previous contract renewal form in 2018, I would like to mention them here. Since 2016, I have been doing voluntary service for community by incorporating INJAZ program within the curriculum of Course titled English Language Development II, ENGLA120 so that students can engage in experiential learning activities and work readiness skills. Due to benefits of the INJAZ Head Start Program in developing learner autonomy, since 2019 the INJAZ program has been formally incorporated within the Foundation Year Program of ELC and is benefitting more than 3000 Foundation level students annually.)
177 PREETI   JAISWAL I coordinated INJAZ training workshop training workshop wherein 27 INJAZ trainers including corporate trainers __ trained Level 1 and Level 2 Foundation year students of English Language Centre, on 14 and 15 May 2018. Level 1 and Level 2 Foundation year students of English Language Centre 345Level 1 and Level 2 Foundation year students of English Language Centre Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain (Although, these events took place in May 2018 but, they are big achievements and as I couldn’t include them in previous contract renewal form in 2018, I would like to mention them here. Since 2016, I have been doing voluntary service for community by incorporating INJAZ program within the curriculum of Course titled English Language Development II, ENGLA120 so that students can engage in experiential learning activities and work readiness skills. Due to benefits of the INJAZ Head Start Program in developing learner autonomy, since 2019 the INJAZ program has been formally incorporated within the Foundation Year Program of ELC and is benefitting more than 3000 Foundation level students annually.) .
178 PREETI   JAISWAL INJAZ Bahrain Head Start Program Volunteer trainer Level 1 and Level 2 Foundation year students of English Language Centre Level 1 and Level 2 Foundation year students of English Language Centre Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain As volunteer and INJAZ committee member, I helped in training students for   INJAZ Bahrain Head Start Program and delivery of program booklets to each trainee and conducting Pretest and Post tests and distribution of certificates.
179 NIAD FARMERS AND OTHE AGRICULTURES SECTORS Compitition Jury Member King Hamad Award For Agricultural Development – Best Agricultural Project
180 Noor Nabeel Aldoy Judge at Dilmun Star 2019 – Bahrain Fashion Incubator Fashion Design graduates of Dilmun Star Program 20 graduates Compitition Jury Member Judging the technological application of the designs of the first Fashion Design graduates of Dilmun Star Program that is organized by Bahrain Fashion Incubator
181 Thuraya A.Rahman Almansoori National Initiative for Agricultural Development Bahraini Farmers Compitition Jury Member King Hamad Prize for Agriculture development/Best Bahraini Farmer – Third Edition – (Duration March 2018- Nov 2020)
182 Thuraya A.Rahman Almansoori National Initiative for Agricultural Development Exhibitor of the Bahrain International Garden Show (BIGS) 2019 Compitition Jury Member Judging the exhibitors booths of the Bahrain International Garden Show (BIGS) 2019
183 Abdul Fattah Salman Bahrain Garden Club  School students of different ages  around 50 Compitition Jury Member Jury Member
184 Fuad Alansari Committee Head – King Hamad Award for Best Agricultural Project Agricultural Community in Bahrain Compitition Jury Member The award is growing and it became international, open for everyone who is investing in agriculture in Bahrain.  The award was created to help and promote the agricultural sector in the kingdom, we recently added the landscape sector in the award too.
185 Dr. Huda Mohamed Almadhoob Supreme Council for Women X Supreme Council For Environment relevant parties as explained in the details section Lecture Lecture
186 Jayanthi Srinivas Kotian Al Hilal Hospital in collaborationl with Bahrain Public Transport Company General Population from various Community in Bahrain 800 people Lecture Awareness campaign was held in which we created awareness to early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus to avoid long term complication. We were involved in advising regarding diabetic footcare and lifestyle changes to control diabetes. Ad hoc tests were done on volunteering patients and free health care service was offered by AlHilal hospital. Bahrain Public Transport was responsible for commuting service for the participants.
187 Hajar Ali Kadhem Ahliya International School Teachers 15 Lecture I presented a workshop on methods of teaching and engaging students.
188 Dr. Abdelbaky Abouzeid Almaarefa Secondary School Teachers Lecture ورش عمل حول تحليل المنهج
189 Dr. Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky Certificate of Achievement granted form The Pearl Initiative in UAE for my role of organizing and participating in the “Business Pledge Session” hosted by Bahrain Islamic Bank along with 22 undergraduate student form University of Bahrain on the Topic “A more Inclusive Workplace”, BISB, Main Branch, Diplomatic Area, Bahrain 22 undergraduate student form University of Bahrain Lecture on the 9th of May 2019.
190 Ruqaia Taha Alalwani مسجد الشيخة حصة بمنطقة جري الشيخ عامة Lecture محاضرة عامة للنساء
191 عمر حمدان رويجع الكبيسي الأوقاف السنية المصلون عشرات Lecture محاضرة أسبوعية في جامع صهيب الرومي تحت عنوان: قصة وعبرة بناء على طلبهم
192 د.عبدالستار عبدالباقي العزاوي محاضرة في مسجد منار الهدى مختلف شرائح المجتمع بحدود 80 شخص Lecture محاضرة بشهر رمضان المبارك بعنوان الكلمات الطيبة من سمات المؤمنين الصادقين
193 د.عبدالستار عبدالباقي العزاوي صندوق العمل بالاشتراك مع كلية ادارة الاعمال في جامعة البحرين الخريجين الجدد، والمقبلين على التخرج 50 Lecture تاهيل الطلبة لسوق العمل
194 Guy Matthew Parker Injaz Foundation Course Students 250-300 Lecture Conducting full Injaz training for all my sections in Foundation Programme
195 Diane Prieur Drama Workshops at Riffa Views School Drama Club Riffa Views International School 25 Lecture I organized the ELC drama team to host the drama  students at Riffa Views School to teach them techniques for play performance, costume design, directing and confidence speaking in front of an audience to help them develop their skills and talents.
196 Diane Prieur Al Raja School Play Performance and Drama Seminar Pirates of Penzance Al Raja Students and Staff 200 Lecture I coordinated the ELC drama team to transfer over 200 costume pieces, 80 props and a 15 foot pirate ship to perform on stage at Al Raja School. We worked with their drama team to discuss script writing, directing, acting, creating creative print media and other aspects of performance to help them develop their skills. After the live performance, students had an interactive question and answer session about the themes of the play.
197 Tariq Alalwan Pakistan Urdu School Grade 5, 6 & 7 students Lecture Presented a Lecture on Healthy Eating
198 Bani Arora Participated at the Level 5 Teach Meet Bahrain event held at Riffa Views International School on 16th September, 2019 School, college, and university level teaching faculty Lecture Presented personal reflections on teaching philosophy teacher authority
199 Maryam Ali Abu Alfateh Zainnovate program in its fourth version Zain Telecom and Iqal Company, and many investors. Lecture A joint program between Zain Telecom and Iqal Company. The fourth edition of Zainnovate to launch 3 projects for Bahraini beginners with the aim of highlighting their projects at the local, regional and global levels
200 Fatema Albinali Uob – CAS Students Lecture It was a lecture that students from a different department had to complete an assignment based on the discussion provided
201 Dr Suhaila Rajab University Community Service Private schools teachers Lecture Professional Development Programme for Private Schools Teachers
202 Osama Mahdi Al-Mahdi BarBar Charity Parents and secondary school students Lecture Preparing Secondary School Graduates to Join University
203 Osama Mahdi Al-Mahdi Al Ahlia University Faculty members and students Lecture Supporting Special Needs Students through E-Learning in the time of Covid19 (online)
204 Osama Mahdi Al-Mahdi  Bahrain Polytechnic Faculty members and students Lecture eLearnit 2020 Virtual Conference Navigating Through COVID-19 to Ensure Quality Learning –Using Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) as a Tool for Life Long Learning (Online)
205 فارس ( صالح صدقي ) احمد محمد مدرسة سعد بن أبي وقاص الابتدائية للبنين معلمات المدرسة مع معلمات المدارس المجاورة Lecture التفكير الابداعي وتطبيقاته التربوية
206 فارس ( صالح صدقي ) احمد محمد مركز خدمة المجتمع والتعليم المستمر معلمو ومعلمات المدارس الخاصة في البحرين Lecture تقديم محاضرات الإدارة الصفية ( 12 ساعة )ضمن برنامج التمهن التربوي لمعلمي الدارس الخاصة في البحرين
207 Dr.Sumathi Kumaraswamy Ministry of Works Employees Lecture Delivered a guest lecture to Ministry of Works titled “Managing your personal finance” on 8th January 2020
208 Dr.Sumathi Kumaraswamy AMA International University Employees Lecture Delivered a seminar titled Research to Publications at AMA International University, Bahrain
209 Shaju George St. Joseph’s College College Students and Faculty members Lecture Lecture on ” Strategic Management: A competitive Advantage Perspective.”
210 Abdelmohsen M Desoky National Audit Office, Kingdom of Bahrain More than 150 Governmental Auditors Lecture A forum on the Importance of Internal Audit
211 Abdelmohsen M Desoky University of Bahrain Postgraduate Students Lecture A Lecture on Research Methods
212 Dr. Maysoon Nedham Awadh Bahrain training institute Public and school students Lecture Lecture about the role of microbes in the agriculture soil
213 Dr. Ali Hussain Ahmed Yateem Civil Defense 15 Lecture Basic Chemistry for civil defense staff
214 Suad Ahmed Rashdan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Representatives from safety and health sector in Bahrain Lecture duration 8-10 October 2019
215 Salwa 1- المشاركة في حلقة نقاشية نظمها مجلس التوازن بين الجنسين بصحيفة “البلاد” بمناسبة يوم المرأة البحرينية المخصص للاحتفاء بالمرأة بالتعليم العالي وعلوم المستقبل-2019 صحفيين ورؤساء تكافؤ الفرص في مؤسسات حكومية مختلفة ومهتمين بأمور المرأة Lecture حلقة نقاشية
220 مي يوسف السادة أسرة الأدباء والكتاب مجموعة من المهتمين Lecture محاضرات نقدية
221 خالد عبدالرحمن الشنو جامع الحسن عموم الناس Lecture تقديم سلسلة دروس حول الصحابة رضي الله عنهم
222 خالد عبدالرحمن الشنو جمعية الاصلاح عموم النساء فقط Lecture دروس من غزوة بني قينقاع
223 خالد عبدالرحمن الشنو دايرة التوجيه والإرشاد جامعة البحرين عموم الطلبة Lecture العنف الاسري
224 خالد عبدالرحمن الشنو جمعية الاصلاح عموم الناس Lecture يدبر الامر
225 خالد عبدالرحمن الشنو مجلس الدوي المحرق عموم الناس Lecture الشوق العميق الى البيت العتيق
226 باسم أحمد عامر جمعية الإصلاح نساء Lecture محاضرة حول أحكام الصلاة وصفتها
227 Amani Abdul Rahman Alsheerawi Ayshayateem centre Psychologisst Lecture Suicide counseling prevention
228 د.سلمان دعيج بوسعيد مقاطع اعلامية المجتمع Lecture مقاطع متنوعة في قناة اليوتيوب لتوعية لمجتمع وارشاده وخدمته
229 Dalal Abdulrahman AlSindi BDF Hospital Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Therapists Lecture Lecture on Art Therapy
230 Dalal Abdulrahman AlSindi British Council Alumni of British Colleges and universities Lecture Art therapy lecture and workshop
231 Dalal Abdulrahman AlSindi Lecture
232 احلام راشد القاسمي تلفزون البحرين جمهور القناة Lecture
233 د. نادر حسن كاظم هيئة البحرين للثقافة عام Lecture تقديم محاضرة عامة عن تحولات مدينة المنامة
234 د. نادر حسن كاظم مركز الملك حمد للتعايش وحوار الاديان عام Lecture المشاركة في ندوة عن التعليم والتسامح في البحرين
235 د. نادر حسن كاظم موسسات أهلية عام Lecture محاضرة عن تأصيل التسامح في البحرين
236 د. نادر حسن كاظم الجمعية العمانية للكتاب عام Lecture التحديث في الخليج
237 د.مروة محمد الملا وزارة التربية والتعليم جميع الاخصائين الاجتماعين والنفسين  بوزارة التربية والتعليم Lecture ملتقي وزارة التربية والتعليم للخدمه الاجتماعيه الثاني  م
238 د.مروة محمد الملا ملتقي الخدمه الاجتماعية الاول للخدمة الاجتناعية اخصائيو  النفسين والاجتماعين بوزارة التربية والتعليم Lecture ملتقي الاول بوزاره التربيه والتعليم للخدمه الاجتماعيه
239 د.مروة محمد الملا الملتقي النفسي الاول للإرشاد النفسي بوزارة الاوبئة والتعليم الاختصاصين النفسيين بوزاره التربيه والتعليم Lecture الاستراتيجيات الحديثه للارشاد  النفسي
240 د.مروة محمد الملا التغلب على ضغوط العمل في ظل جائحة كرونا موظفي جمعيه التسليف بوزاره التجاره والصناعه Lecture
241 د.مروة محمد الملا كيفيه التكيف النفسي في ظل جائحة كرونا موظفي جمعيه التوفير والتسليف بوزراة التجاره والصناعه Lecture
242 د. طه ياسين الكبيسي معهد الإمام أحمد طلاب ١٠ Lecture دروس في تفسير القرآن الكريم
243 د. محمود السيد داود المشاركة في الندوة العلمية الأولى التي أقامتها إدارة الأوقاف السنية ـ مملكة البحرين 3 _ 4 مارس 2019 عمل قناة على اليوتيوب لخدمة الطلاب في المجتمع البحريني عدد كبير لكن غير محصور Lecture ندوة الأوقاف السنة
244 Dr.Lulwa Alkhalifa Osart al odaba society أسرة الأدباء والكتاب Writers and poets 50 Lecture عضو الأسرة
245 Sami mohamed almahjoob مركز عائشة يتيم الاخصائيات الاجتماعيات ٢٥ Lecture محاضرة قوة الذات والتسامح
246 د. راشد عبدالرحمن أحمد العسيري جمعية الحد الخيرية عام 40 – 60 Lecture
247 د. راشد عبدالرحمن أحمد العسيري جمعية الهداية الإسلامية الخيرية عام أكثر من 100 Lecture
248 د. راشد عبدالرحمن أحمد العسيري إدارة الأوقاف السنية عام أكثر من 300 Lecture
249 د خالد اسماعيل الحمداني مركز كانو الثثافي طلبة ومثقين 100 Lecture القبائل العربية في البحرين قبل الاسلام الخباف والانحازات
250 د خالد اسماعيل الحمداني مركز كاتو الاجتماعي والثقافي طلاب ومثقفين 80 Lecture البحرين في العهد الراشدي قراءة نقدية
251 د خالد اسماعيل الحمداني مركز عيس الثقافي اساتذة ومؤرخين ومثقفين 50 Lecture مراجع تاريخ البحرين قراءة نقدية
252 د خالد اسماعيل الحمداني مركز دراسات مثقفين 50 Lecture مختصر تاريخ البحرين في العصور الاسلامية
253 أشرف احمد احمد  عبد المغيث الاكاديمية الملكية للشرطة .. كلية تدريب الضباط..برنامج الماجستير ضباط شرطة و قيادات إدارية ٢٦ Lecture  “١٥ اسبوع دراسي بمعدل ٣ ساعات اسبوعيا “برنامج الماجستير في إدارة الازمات
254 VALENTINA SANGEETHA INJAZ Bahrain COLLEGE STUDENTS 90 Lecture volunteered in lecturing about the employability skills and personality development of young Bahrainis in Jan 2019 and July 2019
255 VALENTINA SANGEETHA The Apostolic Assembly Ministries, Bahrain Expat community working class men and women More than 70 attendees Lecture Gave a motivational speech on the topic “Impacting the community in a positive way” in December 2019
256 VALENTINA SANGEETHA INJAZ Bahrain COLLEGE STUDENTS ABOVE 80 Lecture volunteered in lecturing about the employability skills and personality development of young Bahrainis in December 2019
257 Dana Abdulla Abdulrahim Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa Academy for Diplomatic Studies Students at the academy Around 12 Lecture Have a lecture on conversational skills followed by a test on a different day
258 أ. د. نعمان محمد صالح الموسوي مركز دراسات الطفولة بجامعة البحرين معلمات الحضانة في مملكة البحرين 26 Lecture  تم تقديم محاضرات وورش تعليمية لمعلمات الحضانة ضمن البرنامج التدريبي في رياض الأطفال في الفترة من 1 -3 ديسمبر 2019
259 أ. د. نعمان محمد صالح الموسوي مركز دراسات الطفولة بجامعة البحرين مديرات الحضانة ورياض الأطفال في مملكة البحرين 25 Lecture  تم تقديم محاضرات وورش تعليمية لمديرات الحضانة ورياض الأطفال ضمن البرنامج التدريبي في رياض الأطفال في شهر يناير 2020
260 أ. د. نعمان محمد الموسوي مركز دراسات الطفولة بجامعة البحرين معلمات رياض الأطفال في مملكة البحرين 25 Lecture دورة تدريبية لمعلمات رياض الأطفال 7-9 أبريل 2019
261 د. السيد عيسى جواد الوداعي مأتم المرخ قناة المرخ على يوتيوب 800 Lecture الشفاهية في شعر الشيخ حسن الدمستاني
262 د. جهان عيسى أبوراشد العمران وزارة الصحة المرشدات الاجتماعيات والاخصائيات النفسيات 35 Lecture محاضرة بعنوان ” السعادة النفسية والرفاه الشخصي: رحلة في اروقة علم النفس الايجابي
263 Buthaina جمعيه الرفاع الثقافيه النسائيه الخيريه فئه النساء ٣٠-٤٠ Lecture ٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٩ / تقديم محاضره
264 Buthaina إداره حوار محاضره كافه الاعمار ومختلف الثقافات ٥٠ Lecture اداره حوار محاضره بعنوان ” الأمومه.. الصور التي لم تلتقط”
265 Buthaina اداره حوار محاضره بعنوان ثلاث محطات في علوم المستقبل كافه الاعمار والمستويات الثقافيه ٦٠-٧٠ Lecture مجلس الدوي / ٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٩
266 Ahmed Saad Galal مركز عائشة يتيم للإرشاد الأسري الأخصائيين النفسيين والاجتماعيين بالمركز ووزارة التنمية الاجتماعية ووزارة الصحة 30 Lecture ندوة علمية عن الخيانة الزوجية عقدت في 22/9/2019 بموافقة جامعة البحرين
267 Ahmed Saad Galal وزارة التربية والتعليم المرشدين في المدارس الثانوية 50 Lecture تقديم ورشة بعنوان: “كيفية تطبيق مقياس الميول المهنية على الطلبة” في 23/10/2019 بموافقة جامعة البحرين
268 Nehal Ali Almurbati Naseem International Private school Grade 3 students Lecture Dr. Nehal organised a visit and a lecture to grade 3 students to visit the university compus and teach them about the learner community
269 Nehal Ali Almurbati BTI Talk in women Day Bahrain Training institute female members Lecture I presented my experience as a pioneering female researcher
270 Dr. Hawra Jaafar Shaikh Mansoor تاء الشباب – مبادرة درايش التابعة لهيئة الثقافة والآثار جمهور تاء الشباب Lecture  Public lecture that discusses the distinction of the third place rather than space and the philosophical approach into its meaning. Held on 22nd February 2020 as part of Darayes initiative lecture series.
271 Dr. Haifa Ebrahim Mohamed Al Khalifa Ajamn University in collabration with Abdullatif Al Fozan Award for Mosque Architecture. Public Lecture Keynote Speaker at The Seminar of Future Mosque Architecture. Lecture title:  , ‘The Smart Mosque of the Arabian Gulf: Solutions from the past for a sustainable, energy-efficient Mosque. March 2019
272 Reem Abbas Sultan St. Christopher School Students Oct-15 Lecture Career Day Talks
273 Dr. Abdulrahman Sayed Ahmed Abduljalil جامعة الببحرين مجموعة من طلبة جامعة البحرين Lecture لاج المشكلاتفالمشكلات خلال المرحلة الجامعية محاضرة بعنوان المشكلات النفسية لدى الشباب من سببها؟ البيت – العمل – الدراسة
274 Dr. Abdulrahman Sayed Ahmed Abduljalil جمعية البحرين لرعاية مرضى السكلر الطلبة المقبلين على الدراسة الجامعية ومن ضمنهم مرضى السكلر Lecture حوار التخصصات الجامعية حيث استعرضت متطلبات دراسة الهندسة وتخصصاتها
275 Dr. Abdulrahman Sayed Ahmed Abduljalil مجلس البنزايد في المحرق مجموعة من رواد المجلس المذكور Lecture اللقاء بعنوان جيل المستقبل في ظل التحديات وتطرق لأبرز التحديات مع كيفية التعامل معها
276 Dr. Abdulrahman Sayed Ahmed Abduljalil جمعية التميز والبحث الأكاديمي كوكبة من الأكاديميين والمهتمين بالمجال الأكاديمي Lecture كيف نحول الطلبة والطالبات المتعثرين من التعثر والفشل إلى النجاح والتفوق
277 Dr. Abdulrahman Sayed Ahmed Abduljalil جمعية باربار الخيرية مجموعة من الطلبة المقبلين على الدراسة الجامعية في المستقبل القريب والمهتمين Lecture ملتقى التخصصات الجامعية لتوعية الطلبة حول كيفية اختيار التخصص المناسب لهم للدراسة الجامعية
278 Md Shah Alam Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – Bahrain Chapter Engineers 150 Lecture Deliver a lecture as resource speaker in annual general meeting
279 Mrs. Anamika Jiwane Bangladeshi school , Bahrain Faculty 25 Lecture Action Research in education
280 Tamadher Ali Alfahal A1 Services, Kuwait Design Week (KIDW) General Public at Avenues- Kuwait 15 Lecture public lecture entitled “New Approaches in Islamic Design”
281 Tamadher Ali Alfahal الجمعية العربية السعودية للثقافة والفنون SASCA Dammam Artists, researchers, art critics 40 Lecture public lecture entitled برزخ الإبداع
282 Ayman AL-KHAZRAJI Al-Falah School Secondary School 100+ Lecture  محاضرة عن ترشيد استهلاك الطاقة الكهربائية لتلبية نداء السيد وزير الكهرباء في ترشيد الاستهلاك  الكهربائي
283 Ayman AL-KHAZRAJI AL-KHALIDYA Youth Association Yong generation 100+ Lecture محاضرة عن ترشيد استهلاك الطاقة الكهربائية في جمعية الخالدية الشبابية
284 حياة عبدالله يوسف  INJAZ Bahrain primary schools students 27 Lecture Volunteering with INJAZ Bahrain through Working Gears Workshop
285 حياة عبدالله يوسف INJAZ Bahrain Primary school students Lecture Volunteering with INJAZ Bahrain through Coding with Scratch workshop
286 حياة عبدالله يوسف Arabian Pearl Gulf (APG) School grade 12 students Lecture Delivering a lecture titled ‘My Confidence that my major suits me..Is it enough?’
287 حياة عبدالله يوسف Leadership Excellence for Women virtual Awards and Symposium (LEWAS) LEWA’s online delegates online, open to public Lecture Lecturing in the “Chemical Engineering Education and Career” session at the Leadership Excellence for Women virtual Awards and Symposium (LEWAS), October 27th, 2020
288 Omar Abdulaziz Alabbasi GPIC GPIC employee 50 Lecture Lecturing about the use of computation fluid dynamics in industy
289 Omar Abdulaziz Alabbasi Banagas Banagas employee 10 Lecture
290 Ayesha Agha Shah Nazir Hussain University Karachi Pakistan Students of Architecture 35-40 Lecture 4 lectures on the History of Architecture. From MEsopotamia to Modern Architecture
291 Mustafa Mohd Injaz students Lecture helped level 2 students
292 Farouk Haji Aziz Alrahman University of Bahrain – English Language Center First Year Students (Orientation Program) Lecture INJAZ – Bahrain
293 Nisreen Akram Abdallah Innovation camp Students Lecture Helped students to complete their project
294 Ghada Ahmed Jasim INJAZ University students 3000 Lecture providing students with engaging, academically enriching, and experiential learning sessions in work-readiness education and career perspectives
295 Hessa Mohammed AlAtawi Injaz school & college students 30 Lecture Conducting Injaz sessions for
296 Hessa Mohammed AlAtawi ELC Foundation Students 25 Lecture Conducting a workshop on extensive reading
297 NESRIN EREN ZAFFAR INJAZ Students 40 Lecture INJAZ Headstart program was conducted
298 Rabab Asghar A.Wahab Hotel and Tourism Business School – VATEL students 60 Lecture Breast cancer awareness
299 Rabab Asghar A.Wahab Bahrain Women Society & Isa Town Club public 30 Lecture Breast Cancer Awareness
300 Dr. Mohamed Abdulla Mohamed Yousif Aljassim Social Council Public (males) 45 Lecture The seminar was delivered at Yousif Aljassim Society Council as a community service activity. The attendees, who were male, were from the public and regular attendees of the society council. It was a free seminar open to the public, the neighbors and regular visitors to the council.  Dr Mohamed Abdulla delivered the seminar as part of the community campaign to raise the awareness of the public about the importance of physical activity. The campaign consisted of a series of public seminars that were delivered in several locations around Bahrain. As a board member of the Bahrain Physical Therapy Association, Dr Mohamed was a key player in organizing the events related to this initiative. The seminar lasted for an hour and it had several aims. First of all, the main aim was to increase the public’s awareness about the importance of physical activity on health. Second, the seminar covered the effects of physical activity insufficiency on increasing the risk factors of developing heart disease, obesity and joint pain. About forty-five male regular visitors attended the seminar. They highly interacted with the content of the seminar and engaged in the question-and-answer part afterwards.
301 Dr. Mohamed Abdulla Mohamed Albaloosh Society Council Public (males) 30 Lecture Albaloosh Society Council hosted a seminar in December 2019 in Riffa about Physical Activity. The seminar revolved around the importance of physical activity. The audience were males from the public and regular attendees of the society council. It was a free seminar open to the public, the neighbors and regular visitors to the council.  Dr Mohamed Abdulla delivered the seminar as part of the community campaign to raise the awareness of the public about the importance of physical activity. The campaign consisted of a series of public seminars that were delivered in several locations around Bahrain. As a board member of the Bahrain Physical Therapy Association, Dr Mohamed was a key player in organizing the events related to this initiative. The seminar lasted for an hour and it had several aims. First of all, the main aim was to increase the public’s awareness about the importance of physical activity on health. Second, the seminar covered the effects of physical activity insufficiency on increasing the risk factors of developing heart disease, obesity and joint pain. About forty-five male regular visitors attended the seminar. They highly interacted with the content of the seminar and engaged in the question-and-answer part afterwards.
302 Sherry Nasralla Tawfik Nasralla St. Christopher’s School Bahrain – Career’s Day Seminars Sixth Form Students 25-30 attendees Lecture Participated in St. Christopher’s Career Day Seminars conducting a lecture explaining the various job opportunities and career options existing in the field of Pharmacy for Sixth form Students as they make their choices to enter university.
303 أحمد محمد زكي مؤتمر إنساني تك 4.0 نظمته جمعية الذكاء الاصطناعي البحرينية المشاركون في المؤتمر Lecture تعلم الآلة في مجال العمل الخيري والإعاقة
304 Abdulla Ahmed Alasaadi ملتقى ثقة الثاني لأمن المعلومات ممثلي اقسام تقنية المعلومات في الوزارات والهيئات 200 Lecture تم دعوتي لالقاء محاضرة عن امن المعلومات  في حفل تنويع جوائز  “ثقة” لامن المعلومات  التي يرعاه وزير الداخلية
305 Amal Mohamed Alrayes ISESCO المنظمة الاسلامية للتربية والعلوم والثقافة المسؤولين عن وضع المساقات التعليمية في دول مجلس التعاون > 100 Lecture ورشة عمل شبه اقليمية لتكوين المكونين في مجال اعداد مساقات تعليمية تستجيب لمعايير هندسة التكوين عن بعد
306 Amal Mohamed Alrayes Arabian Gulf University conference participants >100 Lecture Presentation about the role of technology in Gifted and Talented Education The International conference of innovation in gifted education.
307 Amal Mohamed Alrayes Al-Oroba Primary school Students 40 Lecture Title: Lecture about “Why we learn”
308 abeer salman dawood المؤسسة الوطنية لحقوق الانسان خبراء واكاديميين في مجال حقوق الانسان Lecture مشاركة الدكتور مروان المدرس، أستاذ القانون الدستوري المشارك، في تقديم محاضرة بعنوان “الضمانات الدستورية المقررة لحماية الحقوق والحريات العامة في مملكة البحرين” يوم الاثنين 17 يونيو 2019،
309 abeer salman dawood المؤسسة الوطنية لحقوق الانسان المختصين في مجال حقوق الانسان Lecture قيام الدكتورة وفاء يعقوب جناحي، مديرة مركز العيادة القانونية وحقوق الانسان من القاء محاضرة بعنوان “الحق في الخصومة”
310 Fatema Abdulla Mohammed Hasan Ali Ministry of Health and College of Health Sciences Nurses from the service and health related students 120 Lecture an event aimed in increasing the knowledge about autism and an opportunity in exchanging skills on how to deal with autistic patients in health settings. different consultants, doctors dealing directly with autistic children and specialized personal were invited to share their experience. this was also followed by an exhibition were one-to-one consulate and advise were provided, and an art gallery of autistic children was also part of the event.
311 Fatema Abdulla Mohammed Hasan Ali Kayan Rehabilitation Center Parents of Autistic children  and Employees in the center 30 Lecture the importance of play in autistic children was discussed with parents
312 Fatema Abdulla Mohammed Hasan Ali Future Youth Society open – no limit open – no limit Lecture to increase the awareness of the public on Children cancer
313 Fatema Abdulla Mohammed Hasan Ali Women charity – Nuwaidrat charity society women in the area – open to public 58 Lecture Psychological factors and implications were discussed.
314 Dr. Ali Hussein Zolait Society of Excellence and Academic research (SEAR) in Bahrain + IEEE Researchers and University faculty 25 Lecture IEEE Bahrain Section in its technical meeting today announced the launching four types of Award available to individuals academic researchers and teachers in the kingdom of Bahrain. The meeting chaired by Sh. Dr. Eshaa Alkhalifa the chair of IEEE Bahrain Section. Many thanks for all the sponsors “Bapco” and for the IEEE Members who attended the event
315 Dr. Ali Hussein Zolait IEEE DAY 2019 Lecturers , Engineers ,  IEEE Members , Students 100 Lecture October 2019, with technical sponsors College of IT and College of Engineer
316 Adnan Farah Presenting a Lecture on “Teachers Role in Students’ Mental Health” at East Riffa boys Secondary School for School Teachers and Administration Staff. Lecture An invitation was received to participate in the Professional Development Activities at East Riffa Secondary School for Boys to present that lecture
317 Zainab Mohammed Redha Lecture about “Introduction to chemical Engineering” to Alrajaa School Al Rajaa grade 12 students Lecture
318 funda ornek Level 5 Bahrain: Riffa Views International School teachers in Bahrain and different countries like Saudi Arabia and faculty members Lecture presented on Utilizing Mobile technology, smart phones and tablets in Earth Science course
319 Hanan Albuflasa Aldoy Social Activities Public Lecture Promoting and raising the awareness level among public community about renewable energy and its future in Bahrain
320 Mrs.Misha Nandakumar Bahrain  keraleya samajam  malayalam mission Parents Lecture Guidance  for parents of malayalam  class students.
321 Afaf Ebrahim Mohamed Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Real estate and construction and interested audience in the eco-system integration in buildings Lecture Organized a Seminar at the BCCI under the title “Eco-Building Seminar”
322 Leena Mohammad Khonji School in Bahrain in occasion of Breast Cancer awareness month School teachers (Sanad Primary School) Lecture Presentation given to school teacher about Breast cancer protection
323 Layla Karajica Afkarech: Female Network & Women Empowerment “Intay” – Women Symposium Around 50 Lecture “Intay” Women Symposium included four panel discussions; beauty of diversity and co-existences in an inclusive society was the focus of the symposium.
324 Layla Karajica Afkarech: Female Network & Women Empowerment Women Power Summit More than 200 Lecture Afkarech has partnered with Women’s Power Summit to host the “In Her Circle” discussions in several industries; my participation was related to education.
325 Abdulla Mohamed Alqaddoumi Iman School High School students from Iman School Lecture Provided an awareness lecture to Iman school high school students.
326 Thara Mathai Injaz -Headstart Level 2 students  150 Lecture Tutored Head start program for level 2 students
327 Hala Hatoum Manama Entrepreneurship Week (Capital Governate)- Powered by United Nations Bahrain Entrepreneurs, SMEs owners, business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs Lecture Moderated the panel on The Future of Sustainability in Bahrain, with the following esteemed United Nations personnel: H.E. Amin El Sharkawi – United Nations Resident Coordinator & Representative of UN Secretary General to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Mr. Stefano Pettinato – Resident Representative a.i. of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dr. Hashim S. Hussein – Head of United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Investment & Technology Promotion Office (ITPO Bahrain), and Arab International Centre for Entrepreneurship & Investment (AICEI) & Executive Director of World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum, and Mr. Abdelmenam Mohamed – Regional Programme Officer at the United Nations Environment Programme for West Asia, as part of the opening session of Manama Entrepreneurship Week, October 20, 2019
328 Hala Hatoum Manama Entrepreneurship Week (Capital Governate) Entrepreneurs, SMEs owners, business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs Lecture Panel member of the “Business Revolution and Digital Transformation” panel, with the following esteemed panelists: Mr. B Chandrasekhar – CEO of Arab Financial Services Company (AFS), Dr. Bijan Majidi – President and CEO of Dinamica International and consultant in business innovation, digital transformation and Industry 4.0 deployment, Ms. Shaima AlMeer – Robotics Programmer and Google Developer Group Manama co-organizer and moderated by Dr. Mazen Ali – Chairman of the Department of IS at University of Bahrain and President of ISACA Bahrain Chapter, as part of the “Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship Forum”, an Initiative of Manama Entrepreneurship Week, April 15 2019
329 Dr. Latifa Shamsan Yousif Al Iman Private School Grade 12 students around 60 students Lecture Majors at UOB
330 Mary Syrha Goveas Injaz Level 2 Orientation students Lecture Headstart Programme
331 Maan Mubarak Aljawder Smart Way Consulting Public Lecture Bahrain Smart Cities Summit 2019 (4th Edition). 15 September 2019
332 Mehwish Adeeb Govt post graduate college, Pakistan Students Lecture Topics include epidemics, motivational speaker , research assistance . One of my old experience letter is with me the other still I didn’t get.
333 خليفة ياسين بن عربي بيت الشعر في الشارقة عموم جمهور المثقفين 100 Lecture تحت رعاية دائرة الثقافة بإمارة الشارقة
334 خليفة ياسين بن عربي النادي الأدبي بحائل عموم المثقفين 30 Lecture
335 الدكتورة ضياء عبدالله الكعبي هيئة البحرين للثقافة والآثار الجمهور الثقافي Lecture محاضرة ثقافية
336 د. شرف محمد علي المزعل المؤسسة البحرينية للحوار اعضاء المؤسسة وهي نابعة لديوان ولي العهد 15 شخص Lecture حضور ورشة عمل عن طريق الزوم للاسلوب العلمي لتقديم مناصرة الى المؤسسة البحرينية للحوار والتي انا عضو فيها ثم قدمت مشروع خاص بتطوير قانون التقاعد البحريني الخاص بالمرأة
337 د. شرف محمد علي المزعل إدارة جلسة مناقشة رواية العربانة اعضاء جمعية البحرين الاجتماعية الثقافية 18 Lecture
338 د. شرف محمد علي المزعل المشاركة في اليوم العالمي للتسامح المجتمع الافتراضي علو صفحة اليوفنتوس في الانستغرام العدد مفتوح ووصل الى اكثر من الفين Lecture
339 Nuha Jamal Alzayani Learn.Plan.Accomplish Initiative University Students and Graduates Lecture مواضيع الحوار النقاشية  :الاتزان النفسي لمواصلة التحدي و الانجاز ، توجيه الطاقة الشبابية نحو التعلم و الابتكار ، تجربة الصفر الذهبي
340 د عبداللطيف احمد الشيخ وزارة العدل والشؤون الاسلامية والأوقاف عامة الناس Lecture خطبة الجمعة بجامع عبدالله بن درويش فخرو
341 هود علي يوسف العبيدلي إدارة الأوقاف السنية عموم المصلين في المسجد ٣٠٠ تقريبا Lecture أخطب الجمعة في جامع النصف بمنطقة الرفاع وارفقت ملفا صوتيا لإحدى الخطب
342 هود علي يوسف العبيدلي وزارة العدل والشؤون الإسلامية عموم المصلين بالمسجد ٢٠ إلى ٣٠ تقريبا Lecture درس كل يوم جمعة بعد صلاة العشاء في جامع راشد الزياني بمنطقة قلالي شرح مسائل في الفقه
343 هود علي يوسف العبيدلي وزارة العدل / معهد الإمام مالك طلاب وطالبات يتعلمون معلومات شرعية ٣٠ تقريبا Lecture محاضرة مسائية واحدة بالأسبوع تكون بعد المغرب مدتها خمسون دقيقة اشرح فيها طريقة قسمة المواريث
344 Dr. Ehab Juma Adwan Seminar1 and 2 for students UOB- IT students 50 Lecture students seminar
345 Dr.Mooza Isa Aldoy مركز كانو الاجتماعي الاكاديمين ، المختصين ، الطلبة، جميع افراد المجتمع اكثر من 60 شخص Lecture إداره جلسة في محاضره بعنوان جوده الحياة والصحة والنفسية بتاريخ 20 مارس2019
346 Dr.Mooza Isa Aldoy الجمعية البحرينية لتنمية الطفوله الاكااديمين وأفراد المجتمع والمؤسسات المعنية بطفوله والاسره اكثر من 120 شخص Lecture المشاركة بورقة عمل بحثية في مؤتمر رعاية الطفوله مستقبل وطن بعنوان دور الألعاب الإلكترونية في التنمية الاجتماعية للطفل
347 أنور إبراهيم رجب منصور الأوقاف إدارة الأوقاف السنية قاعة الندوة Lecture مشاركة في ندوة الأوقاف الثانية
348 د, محمود السيد داود إدارة الأوقاف السنية ـ مملكة البحرين عدد من الباحثين وأساتذة الجامعات والمهتمين عموما بالشأن الإسلامي معقول لكنه لم يتم حصره Lecture تم المشاركة في الندوة بتقديم ورقة علمية حول: وسطية الأمة الإسلامية في علاقتها بالأمم الأخرى
349 Dr.Resala Aladraj Society of excellency and research (SEAR) Academics Lecture On line education & emerging tech post covid 19 –21/7/2020
350 Dr.Resala Aladraj creativity from home initiative عامه الناس Lecture
351 Dr.Resala Aladraj Society of excellency and research (SEAR) Academics 100 Lecture On line education & emerging tech post covid 19 –21/7/2020
352 دنيا أحمد عبدالله أحمد صحيفة البلاد ممثلين من محتلف الجامعات Lecture أكتوبر 2019: متحدث في الجلسة الحوارية، حضور المرأة الاكاديمية بمؤسسات التعليم العالي ودور وسائل الاعلام في دعم مبادرات التوازن بين الجنسين بالمؤسسات الاكاديمية، ، مملكة البحرين.
353 دنيا أحمد عبدالله أحمد Women in Higher Education & Future Science” حضور المؤتمر المحلي والدولي Lecture Women in Higher Education & Future Science”, Third Equal Opportunities Conference “Sustainability and Future Studies” , 27 – 28 November 2019, Brunel University & Ahlia University, Downtown Rotana, Bahrain
354 دنيا أحمد عبدالله أحمد Bahraini Women and Education: Early Innovation and National Leadership حضور المؤتمر المحلي والدولي Lecture Women and Development in the Gulf, Panel 2: Gender Parity in Academia: Shattering the Glass Ceiling, , 6-7 November 2019, Derasat Center, Bahrain.
355 دنيا أحمد عبدالله أحمد المرأة في التعليم الفني والمهني وعلوم المستقبل الحضور Lecture ، ملتقي تعزيز التعليم والتدريب والتعلم مدى الحياة، 26 مارس 2019 ، معهد البحرين للتدريب، مملكة البحرين.
356 دنيا أحمد عبدالله أحمد الدراسات العليا لذوي الاعاقة اعضاء جمعية الصداقة للمكفوفين والحضور من مختلف جميعات ذوي الاعاقة Lecture – ديسمبر 2019: ، ندوة جمعية الصداقة للمكفوفين، نادي بابكو، مملكة البحرين.
357 Wael Mohamed El-Medany Machine Intelligence Research Labs NA 0 Member Member of Machine Intelligence Research Labs – MIR Labs – Bahrain
358 Abdulla Mohamed Alqaddoumi Society of Excellence in Academic Research Member Member in SEAR society
359 Fuad Alansari The Head of the Facades National Committee Bahraini Society Member in Government Level Committee The committee is shaping the new laws and specifications for the built environment in Bahrain
360 Fuad Alansari National Committee for Petition – Accreditation and validation of qualifications issued by higher education institutions outside the Kingdom of Bahrain  The Bahraini society Member in Government Level Committee standing committee with representative members from local universities in Bahrain.  The committee receives petition cases after the decision of the the mother committee.
361 Suad Ahmed Rashdan Joining NIP team to write an international report about POPs in Bahrain Member in Government Level Committee
362 Elsayed A. H. Elamir The National Society for the support of Education & Training member Member in Government Level Committee member in the National Society for the support of Education & Training
363 Anwaar Abdulla Buzaboon Ministry of Education Member of a committee Member in Government Level Committee Member of The Higher Advisory Committee for Technical and Vocational Education headed by the Ministry of Education’s Undersecretary for Education and Curriculum Dr. Fawzi Al Jowder
364 Lamya Mohamed Aljasmi Information and eGoverment Authority committee members Member in Government Level Committee Setting policy and approving  purchases requests related to Information and Communication Technology for the government of Bahrain
365 mohab Abdalhameed Mangoud IEEE Communications Society (Bahrain chapter) + SEAR Society  ( Online (Public, Engineers, Faculty and Students) 50+ Member in Professional Society Webinar {online / Zoom Platform},“5G Mobile Networks and Health Effects, is it Safe for Future Generations?”, Organized by Society of Excellence and Academic Research (SEAR), Bahrain.
366 Hatem Ahmed Alsridi جمعية التميز والبحث الأكاديمي عام More that 50 Member in Professional Society المشاركة في نشاطات الجمعية
367 Fawzi Abdulaziz Albalooshi Society of Excellence and Academic Research Academics many Member in Professional Society
368 S. M. Zakir Hossain Bangladesh School Baharin not applicable not applicable Member in Professional Society Act as an academic council member from 2018 to date
369 Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq Election of Bangladesh Business Community Bahrain (BBCB) Bangladeshi Business Community Member in Professional Society November 2019: BBCB selected me as the head of Election Commission for the election of the organization. I worked with 2 more commissioners to conduct the election to elect this 9 member executive committee. A fellow commission member was Dr. Shah Alam (College of Engineering, UOB)
370 Yomna Abdulla Member in Gulf-UK Alumni Network Bahrain on 19/11/2019 Member in Professional Society
371 Dr. Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky Member in “Alliance Française in Bahrain” Francophone Bahraini residence Member in Society since 04/02/2019 to present.
372 Dr. Diana AbdulKarim Aljahromi Society of Excellence and Academic Research Academics in Bahrain and the region Membership in Professional Society I have arranged for 6 workshops to be delivered by different speakers on interdisciplinary issues concerning the academics in Bahrain and the region. These workshops were provided by Ms. Nada AlQassab, Prof. Muhab, Dr. Basam AlHamad, Dr. A.rahman Alsayed, Dr. Resala Aladraj and Dr. Mohamed Alhamad. I have chaired 4 of these workshops.
373 Dr. Diana AbdulKarim Aljahromi English Language Testing Society International ELT academic society Membership in Professional Society promote quality and standards for assessment of English as-a-Second or Foreign Language worldwide
374 Dr. Diana AbdulKarim Aljahromi الاتحاد الدولي للغة العربية Arab linguists Membership in Professional Society Membership and serving the public through committees. I was also nominated as a board member.
375 Hatem Ahmed Alsridi جمعية العلاقات العامة البحرينية عام Membership in Professional Society المشاركة في نشاطات الجمعية
376 د.عبدالستار عبدالباقي العزاوي جمعية التميز والبحث الاكاديمي اكاديميين 50 Membership in Professional Society مشاركة الجمعية في نشاطاتها
377 د.عبدالستار عبدالباقي العزاوي الجمعبة الاهلية لدعم التعليم و التدريب مختلف شرائح المجتمع متباين Membership in Professional Society مشاركة الجمعية نشاطاتها
378 Dr. Ali Hussein Zolait IEEE Bahrain Section IEEE members in Bahrain 245+ members in Bahrain Membership in Professional Society Vice- Chair as Position, represent the IEEE Bahrain section in local meeting and abroad meeting , in Year 2019 represented the section as a delegate  to IEEE Region 8 meeting in Malta, and the next meeting in Valencia- Spain in these meeting many issues pertaining to the section were discussed , like conference indexing, membership development, workshops, webinar
379 Salah Abdel-Hafeez Mostafa Society of Excellence on Academic Research Academic Researchers in Bahrain Membership in Professional Society Member of Society of Excellence on Academic Research in Bahrain that organize meeting conferences to enhance research in Bahrain.
380 Gehan Abdel-Hady Mousa Society of Excellence on Academic Research (SEAR) The public Membership in Professional Society Involvement in meeting & webinars
381 Dr. Mervat Albufalasa Society of Excellence and Academic Research – kingdom of Bahrain Academics and researchers Membership in Professional Society
382 Adnan Ahmed Bekhit NHRA, Clinical Trial Committee serving All Bahraini Medical and non Medical society vachangeable Membership in Professional Society This committee belong to NHRA and responsible to review any application for Clinical Trial in Kingdom of Bahrain. Also follow up the trial in each detail.
383 Leena Mohammad Khonji Vice President of Bahrain Nursing Society Nurses and midwives Membership in Professional Society assisting in the re-establishment of Bahrain Nurses society after it have been deactivated for 7 years. So, many meetings and initiatives taken by the society to make it active in its role in Bahrain.
384 غازي عبد العزيز عاشير جمعية الصداقة للمكفوفين أعضاء الجمعية معظم أعضاء الجمعية Membership in Professional Society  العضوية تقتضي الانحراف في معظم الأنشطة
385 خليفة ياسين بن عربي مؤسسة سلطان بن علي العويس الثقافية بدبي الشعراء في كافة الوطن العربي Membership in Professional Society
386 Dr. Ehab Juma Adwan Bahrain SMEs Society Business people 20 approx Membership in Professional Society جمعية تعني بالمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة
387 Dr.Mooza Isa Aldoy   مركز معلومات المرأة والطفل جميع افراد المجتمع لا يوجد Membership in Professional Society عضوه في مجلس الامناء في مركز معلومات المرأة والطفل من تاريخ 5 فبراير 2017 إلى الآن، الي جانب عضوه في اللجنة التنظيمية لكل فعاليات من مؤتمرات وفعاليات جائزة الشيخ خليفة بن سلمان آل خليفة العلمية
388 عبدالقادر خليفة المرزوقي اسرة الادباء والكتاب – جمعية تاريخ وآثار البحرين الحضور هم من المثقفين والمهتمين في الثقافة والادب يتراوح بين اربعين الى خمسين Membership in Professional Society ملحق ادبي بعنوان فضاءات ادبية مشرف على هذا الملحق وكاتب عمود الافتتاح وتصدر اسبوعيا في صحيفة الوطن
389 Dr.Resala Aladraj Society of excellency and research (SEAR)- SEAR members academics Membership in Professional Society Board of directors- conferences committee- chair
390 Dr.Resala Aladraj IEEE computer society chapter chair from 2018- current academics and students Membership in Professional Society
391 Dr.Resala Aladraj Society of excellency and research (SEAR)- SEAR members academics Membership in Professional Society Board of directors- conferences committee- chair
392 شعيب عبدالمنعم الغباشي جمعية الصحفيين جموع الصحفيين أعداد كثيرة Membership in Professional Society عضوية جمعية الصحفيين
393 شعيب عبدالمنعم الغباشي جمعية الأدباء والكتاب البحرينية جمهور الأدباء والكتاب وجموع المثقفين Membership in Professional Society  عضوية جمعية الأدباء والكتاب البحرينية
394 Yomna Abdulla Member in Bahrain Association for Parents and Friends of Disabled Membership in Society
395 Bani Arora Toastmasters International Krypton Toastmasters Club Bahrain Membership in Society Toastmasters International is a non-profit organization known for providing programs in Communication and Leadership skills. As the VP education, worked towards achieving President’s Distinguished award for the club.
396 narjes ahmed salman Friends Toastmaster club toastmaster club Membership in Society It is a toastmaster club that develops public speakers and involves many activities and events. i have been a member since 2016.
397 Mustafa Mohammed Suliman Addicts friend Society  Various segments of society Membership in Society supporting addict patients and their families
398 Biljana Davceva Toastmasters International Discover the Champion Within Toastmasters and general public 200-250 Membership in Society This was a special event organised with the world champion of public speaking Ramona I Smith who visited Bahrain. I was the MC and I was tasked to have a 20 minute interview with her live on stage
399 د عبداللطيف احمد الشيخ جمعية الإصلاح أعضاء ومنتسبي الجمعية وخدمة الجمهور البحريني Membership in Society إدارة ومتابعة تحقيق أهداف الجمعية في خدمة المجتمع البحريني
400 Zainab Mohammed Redha Volunteering with in JNJAZ Bahrain “Injaz Mega Camp Training” UoB students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain
401 Ahmed Youssef Abdalla Kindom of Bahrain, Supreme Council for Environment Report National Committee Member of the Team to prepare: Bahrain’s Third National Communication
402 Thuraya A.Rahman Almansoori Bahrain Training institute Institute and school students and various organizations interested in agriculture National Committee Head of the organizing committee of the Third Scientific Agriculture Exhibition held by the BTI and exhibitor (Plant Tissue Culture)
403 Mona Aljar School 120 students from public and private school Organizing Committee of Public Event Celebrate the Chemistry Day with high school students (collection of experiments, projects, an scientific games )
404 Mona Aljar UOB Students (UOB) and NGO Organizing Committee of Public Event The Department of Chemistry organized  a symposium titled ( Materials Science between theory and applications )
405 Fuad Alansari Bahrain International Garden Show – BIGS (participation) All residents and visitors of Bahrain Organizing Committee of Public Event UoB participate annually in BIGS to reach members of the public and to spread awareness about certain issues, mainly about the environment, food, architecture, agriculture.  I am the leader of the design team.
406 Dr. Rania AbuRaya SEAR Conferences Committee, Society of Excellence & Academic Research, Kingdom of Bahrain Worldwide Academics and Researchers Organizing Committee of Public Event Organizing Member of Scientific Conferences Committee Events and Activities including discussion of excellence opportunities and challenges and the effect on society development
407 Dr. Rania AbuRaya SEAR Workshops and Lectures Committee, Society of Excellence & Academic Research, Kingdom of Bahrain Worldwide Academics and Researchers Organizing Committee of Public Event Organizing Member of Workshops and Lectures Committee Events and Activities including communications with participants and handling attendance certificates.
408 Dr. Rania AbuRaya SEAR Scientific Publishing Committee, Society of Excellence & Academic Research, Kingdom of Bahrain Worldwide Academics and Researchers Organizing Committee of Public Event Organizing Member of Scientific Publishing Committee Events and Activities including discussion of excellence opportunities and challenges and the effect on society development.
409 Layla Jasim Hazeem An exhibition in Bahrain Training Institute The exhibition was opened to the public Organizing Committee of Public Event Display of algae used in Mariculture and can be used as fertilizers
410 BIGS 2019 UOB & NIAD: (National Initiative  Agricultural Development ALL OF US Organizing Committee of Public Event Bahrain Garden show committee-2019 Bahrain International Garden Show (BIGS) 2019 – 2020, Supreme Committee @ University level.
411  CIO 200 SUMMIT ALL OF US Organizing Committee of Public Event THE WORLD CIO 200 SUMMIT -Forum Women in AI
412 British Embassy ALBA,GPIC, BAPCO & UOB Organizing Committee of Public Event Air Qualit y workshop -Jan 2019 i was the presenter (Air Dust)
413 Dr. Fatema Abdulqader Albalooshi BWallet BWallet organization in Bahrain more than 100 Organizing Committee of Public Event BWallet user interface competition for students
414 Thuraya A.Rahman Almansoori Department of Biology College of Science University of Bahrain Faculties, administrates and students in the Department of Biology and College of Science Organizing Committee of Public Event Organized a seminar in the Department of Biology by inviting a speaker and moderating the seminar.
415 Dr.Lulwa Alkhalifa Bahrain Art society Artist 40 Organizing Committee of Public Event Art Exhibition
416 VALENTINA SANGEETHA TAAM, Bahrain Expat community working class men and women 110 Organizing Committee of Public Event Raised awareness on living a principled and ethical life in society by organizing a comical play
417 Dr. Haifa Ebrahim Mohamed Al Khalifa Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University. Public Organizing Committee of Public Event  The 13th GIS Symposium in Saudi Arabia
418 حياة عبدالله يوسف Middle East Process Engineering Conferencet MEPEC 2019 Organizing Committee of Public Event Technical committee of  MEPEC 2019, held in Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre, Bahrain
419 Abdulla Ahmed Alasaadi IEEE – Programming competition All universities in Bahrain 50 Organizing Committee of Public Event Prepares the first programming competition in Bahrain
421 Hanan Albuflasa NSSA Public Organizing Committee of Public Event organizing an event with NSSA which was held at the university of Bahrain on the 4 Dec 2019
422 Mrs.Misha Nandakumar Bahrain keraleya samajam / malayalam mission Students and parents Organizing Committee of Public Event Coordinated  the programmes for the inauguration. of kerala formation day
423 Mrs.Misha Nandakumar Bahrain keraleya  samajam science forum Students Organizing Committee of Public Event Workshop and interactive  session  on robotics.
424 Mrs.Misha Nandakumar Malayalam mission Bahrain  chapter Students Organizing Committee of Public Event Conducted Annual examination   for  Malayalam language for the students all over Bahrain.
425 Abdulla Mohamed Alqaddoumi The 2019 Bahrain Collegiate Programming Contest University Students in Bahrain Organizing Committee of Public Event Coach for 4 teams from University of Bahrain in the competition. The students got the second and fifth places.
426 Abdulla Mohamed Alqaddoumi Unreal Bahrain and Internet Society Bahrain Game Jam – Competition open to public Organizing Committee of Public Event Organizing and marketing of Bahrain Game Jam 2019
427 marwan kamal altheeb  Bahrain Society for Women development Elderly sitter program candidates 13 Organizing Committee of Public Event coordinated and participated in the success of eldelry program sponsored by Bahrain society for women development. the program ran for 6months and graduated 13 candidates capable of providing basic care for the group of elderly. &
428 Dr. Latifa Shamsan Yousif Member of Al Iman Private School’s Parents’ Council School students and staff around 800 students and staff Organizing Committee of Public Event
429 د.أماني السيد موسى الحلواجي مدرسة  الأندلس  الإيتدائية للبنات الطالبات والهيئة التعليمية في مدرسة الأندلس Organizing Committee of Public Event تنسيق حصول مدرسة  الأندلس على عروض مخفضة للتطبيقات “لمسة” التعليمية  والهادفة لمدة عام كامل،
430 Dr.Resala Aladraj IEEE computer society chapter chair from 2018- current AND IEEE Educational officer academics and students Organizing Committee of Public Event 2nd programming competition all over bahrain
431 Dr.Resala Aladraj BACPC Bahrain Collegiate Programming Contest students across the Bahrain universities 300 Organizing Committee of Public Event the official Bahrain Collegiate Programming Contest (BaCPC) page. The first BaCPC  held at AOU-Bahrain in Manama on 15 & 16 October 2019.
432 Dr. Enaz Yousef Rasheed Mahmoud Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) Jordan engineers and their families Participant Bahrain Independence Day
433 Dr. Enaz Yousef Rasheed Mahmoud Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) Jordan engineers and their families Participant Jordanian Social Event
434 Dr. Enaz Yousef Rasheed Mahmoud Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) Jordan engineers and their families Participant New Year Event
435 Dr. Enaz Yousef Rasheed Mahmoud The Level 5 Bahrain Teachmeet Bahrain Participant Teachmeet Bahrain
436 Hanan Albuflasa DERASAT & UNDP Public (national and international) Preparing Bahrain Human Development Report Providing a background paper for the both energy and water sector in Bahrain to be included within the Human Development Report
437 د. أحمد يعقوب العطاوي شخصي المتابعون لحساباتي الإلكترونية المتابعون Provide Free Educational Resources  عبر الانستغرامتدبر سور القران عبر قناتي في اليوتيوب- أدعية قبل الإفطار
438 د, محمود السيد داود إنشاء قناة على اليوتيوب طلاب الجامعة في مملكة البحرين غير محصور Provide Free Educational Resources تم إنشاء قناة على اليوتيوب لخدمة الطلاب في مملكة البحرين
439 د. راشد عبدالرحمن أحمد العسيري إذاعة البحرين برامج إذاعية – برنامج ” من هدي الصحابة والتابعين رضي الله عنهم أجمعين” ج2– 30 حلقة أكثر من 1000 Radio Interview
440 Dr.Resala Aladraj اذاعه البحرين -Bahrain radio عامه الناس -citizens Radio Interview مقابله اذاعيه حول السلام الداخلي
441 Dr.Resala Aladraj اذاعه البحرين -Bahrain radio عامه الناس -citizens N/A Radio Interview مقابله اذاعيه حول السلام الداخلي
442 Fatima Alshaer Bahrain Radio Public Radio Interview been interviewed on the use of technology in education and in BTC in particular during covid-19 pandemic.
443 Guy Matthew Parker Banagas Banagas employees Usually ca. 15 per group. Report Writing workshops Designing, creating and delivering 3 day workshops to Banagas employees under auspices of Dept of Community Service at UoB. Workshop titles: Technical Report Writing and Business Report Writing
444 جنات علي محمد جمعية الصداقة للمكفوفين أعضاء الجمعية معظم أعضاء الجمعية Society Membership ، والمشاركة في نشاطات لجنة المرأة واللجنة الثقافيةالقراءة لبعض الأعضاء المكفوفين والتسجيل لهم خاصة الطلبة
445 Abdelmoneim Abdelhafeez Abusin AlMahd Day Boarding School School Teachers Training Classroom Management, particularly on teacher’s interventions toward student’s behaviour.
446 Abdelmoneim Abdelhafeez Abusin Commuinity Service & Continuing Education Centre, Uinversity of Bahrain School Teachers Training Professional Educational development for Private Schools
447 Abdelmoneim Abdelhafeez Abusin Commuinity Service & Continuing Education Centre, Uinversity of Bahrain School Teachers Training Presented educational psychology concepts in Arabic language as a part of Professional Educational development for Private Schools
448 Hajar Ali Kadhem Injaz Training  students 150 Training I provided full training session on three topics: job interviews, producing effective CVs, and Internships.
449 Dr. Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky Training session titled: “Change your life for Better” for community service organized by “Dar Kalemat for Publication”, Seef Mall, Manama, Bahrain Bahrain community Training on 20/3/2019.
450 Dr. Faten Saad Mahmoud Abdel-Hameed Professional Educational Development for Private Schools private school teachers Training Professional Educational Development course for Private Schools on Educational Evaluation & Assessment
451 د. جهان عيسى أبوراشد العمران المجلس الأعلى للمرأة بالتعاون مع تمكين وجامعة البحرين معلمات رياض الاطفال جوالي 50 متدربة Training  ثلاث ورش عمل الاولى عن نمو الطفل والثانية والثالثة عن الطفل الموهوب في الروضة
452 د. جهان عيسى أبوراشد العمران المجلس الاعلى للمراة وتمكين وجامعة البحرين مربيات الحضانات خمسون متدربة Training ثلاث ورش تدريبية لمربيات الحضانات الاولى عن نمو طفل الحضانة والثانية والثالثة عن الطفل الموهوب في الحضانة
453 د. جهان عيسى أبوراشد العمران المجلس الاعلى للمرأة وتمكين وجامعة البحرين مديرات الحضانات ورياض الاطفال حوالي 45 متدربة Training ثلاثة ورش الاولى في نمو الطفل في الطفولة المبكرة  والثانية والثالثة في التواصل الفعال للمديرات
454 Salah Abdel-Hafeez Mostafa Center for Childhood Studies Trainer for the Mangers of children’s Nurseries Training Train the mangers of children’s nurseries on how to prepare Budget your institution and how to Develop resources to operate the institution.
455 Neesha Khan Malik Dream Big School children from elementary to high school Training online English teaching, reviewing lessons prepared by volunteers, proposing ideas and helping in moving the program forward by spreading word about it and getting volunteers
456 Mohamed Al-Moumni Literacy for School with low achievement Primary Boys School of Safirah Training Collecting Data+ Discussing with principal+ setting up a Programme of intervention
457 Leyla Taleb InJAZ Bahrain Foundation Program Students 155 Training How to write a resume   How to conduct an interview+ internship
458 Leyla Taleb InJAZ Bahrain UoB Students 15 Training Inspiring and Preparing Youths to participate in a Global Economy
459 Leyla Taleb InJAZ Bahrain Foundation Program Students 25 Training How to write a resume   How to conduct an interview+ internship
460 Dr. Ehsan Saeed Yaqoot Continuing Education and Community Development Division/Community Service & Continuing Education Center/University of Bahrain Public / private sectors employees, Universities’ students, Public / private schools students / teachers. Training Enhancing community through training and development of all reachable people.
461 marwan kamal altheeb King Hamad University Services Infection control Health care services NA Training july and august 2020, I have participated voluntarily to attend as a trainee in the infection control department aiming to support the department during the demands of Covid 19 and to self update in terms of pandemic management
462 Nirmala.G World skills ,ministry of education Nursing students 15 Training Trained students at the college and training centre for the world skills competition
463 Mohamed Al-Moumni Interviews committee (Sheikh Khalifa Bin Salman Institute of Technology) Students nominated for BTC TV Interview Few questions about History, General culture, and fluency in Arabic and English..
464 د. ضياء صقر شاهين الجلاهمة وزارة الاعلام بدولة الكويت مقابلة مع تلفزيون الكويت On Kuwait TV TV Interview  بخصوص الورقة العلمية المقدمة في مؤتمر الترجمة العالمي الأول بجامعة الكويت3 -4 مارس 2019
465 د. راشد عبدالرحمن أحمد العسيري تلفزيون البحرين استضافة – برامج تلفزونية- تلفزيون البحرين- برنامج الحج عرفة. أكثر من 1000 TV Interview
466 Ahmed Saad Galal تلفزيون البحرين TV Interview حلقة تلفزيونية في تلفزيون البحرين عن الالعاب الالكترونية بموافقة جامعة البحرين في 2/10/2019
467 Abdulla Ahmed Alasaadi TV – interview University of Bahrain Bahrain TV Bahrain TV TV Interview Represented UOB to explain the new Cloud Computing program
468 Thara Mathai ORAT -Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer Community Support Registered for Trials in March 2019 for Bahrain Airports Company and received a telephonic message
469 Dr. Uneb Gazder Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) Bahrain Airport Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Volunteered to participate in the preparedness program
470 Tara Henari Injaz University Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Icamp
471 Dr. Fatema Abdulqader Albalooshi INJAZ Bahrain INJAZ Bahrain students more than 100 Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain INJAZ Bahrain events organizer
472 Dr. Hana Mohamed Aljawder INJAZ Bahrain University of Bahrain Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Mega I Camp  INJAZ Bahrain Program.
473 Hadeel  Alobaidy INJAZ Bahrain Programs 2020 Audience form different fields :students ,jury members from public and private sectors organizations more that 50 Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Volunteering for INJAZ Bahrain Programs 2020-
474 Dr. Ghadeer Ismail Mohammed Injaz Bahrain UOB students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain mentor for a year for Spectrum company. They were among the finalists in the competition. Diamond volunteer.
475 Ahmed Farooq Alrubaye University of Bahrain/ English Language Center Foundation Program Students foundation program students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain injaz program
476 Sofia Ahmed Ahmed Hashim Injaz: Head Start Students of the Foundation level at the University of Bahrain Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain 2018/2019
477 Dawla Almulla INJAZ Bahrain University students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Voluntary training and education services for 1 year to start up company with university students.
478 Thara Mathai INJAZ-MEGA  I CAMP UOB students 500 plus Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Volunteered with the facilitator for the red team.   Judge for the  Baby blue team
479 Mary John INJAZ Foundation Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Teach students Interview Skills, Internship & CV Writing
480 Sevgi CAN MEGA I CAMP (February 2019) UoB Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Mega I CAMP was an INJAZ event organized on February 23, 2019 at University of Bahrain where students were coached to work on cases and then present to get the 1st place.
481 Sevgi CAN INJAZ Head start UoB ELC Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Conducted INJAZ Bahrain Head-start sessions and carried out participant evaluations in the ELC with the  ELC students from May 26-30 2019.
482 Sevgi CAN INJAZ Bahrain (December 2019) UoB ELC Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Conducted INJAZ Bahrain Head-start program sessions and carried out evaluations within the program in December 2019 with ELC students.
483 Safwan Mahmood Shatnawi Injaz – Bahrain Undergraduate Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Volunteer in the Injaz-Bahrain programs multiple events (42 hours)
484 Hala Hatoum INJAZ Bahrain British University of Bahrain Students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Mentoring for the ICamp for the students in the British University of Bahrain and my team won 1st prize
485 Hala Hatoum INJAZ Bahrain the Royal University for Women students Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Mentoring for the ICamp for the students in the Royal University for Women
486 Biljana Davceva Injaz Students 35-40 Volunteer for Injaz Bahrain Headstart Work Readiness Injaz Programme
487 Mrs. Anamika Jiwane Bangladeshi school, Bahrain Faculty 25 Workshop Workshop on ‘Teaching -Learning issues and remedies through Action Research’
488 abeer salman dawood الهيئة الوطنية لعلوم الفضاء المختصين في مجال القانون واعداد التشريعات Workshop للمشاركة في ورشة عمل (مبادئ اعداد القانون الوطني للفضاء)، ترشيح الدكتور  غالب البلوشي والدكتور محمد نعمان وذلك في يومي الثلاثاء والاربعاء الموافق 21 – 22 مايو  2019،
489 Zainab Mohammed Redha Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) Orientation workshop for Royal University for Women RUW staff Workshop
490 Zainab Mohammed Redha “Critical thinking workshop” for Royal University for Women RUW stadd Workshop
491 Dr. Sobia Irum Connecting ASIA Sdn Bhd Malaysia Postgraduate students and Researchers 50 Workshop Conducted a hands on training workshop for Ph.D scholars and researches at the 3rd ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference, held on 1-2 May 2019 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru Malaysia. The Workshop was titled,”Managing References Using Mendeley”. Duration of the workshop was 2 hours and practical train has been given to the participants on working of referencing software Mendeley. The aim of the workshop was engaging the researchers and PhD scholars by enhancing their skills in the use of Mendeley software so that they can effectively use the software for their research.
492 Dr. Sobia Irum Connecting ASIA Sdn Bhd Malaysia Researchers and PhD Scholars 50-60 Workshop Conducted a hands on training workshop for Ph.D scholars and researches at the 5th ASIA International Conference, held on 6-8 December 2019 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The Workshop was titled,”How to Use Mendeley Software”. Duration of the workshop was 2 hours and practical train has been given to the participants on working of referencing software Mendeley. The aim of the workshop was engaging the researchers and PhD scholars by enhancing their skills in the use of Mendeley software so that they can effectively use the software for their research.
493 Abdulla Mohamed Alqaddoumi IEEE Computer Society Chapter University students from all over Bahrain Workshop Organizing the Second Programming Competition Bahrain round + workshop
494 Dr. Latifa Shamsan Yousif Diplomatic Institute Junior diplomats around 10 Workshop Workshop on Writing Skills 1
495 Dr. Latifa Shamsan Yousif Diplomatic Institute Junior diplomats around 10 Workshop Workshop on Writing Skills 2
496 Parween Ebrahim Module at the BTC on Teaching Strategies for Private School Teachers (Dec 2019) Private School Teachers Workshop Module that focused on Project Based Learning for Private School Teachers
497 Mary Syrha Goveas Effective Communication Skills/New Indian School, Bahrain Teachers Workshop A workshop on improving communication skills in English held for one hour and 30 minutes on 12th January 2019.
498 Biljana Davceva The New Horizon School Speech Craft Programme Teachers 30 Workshop The Art of Effective Evaluation
499 Maan Mubarak Aljawder Al-Iman Schools Students Oct-15 Workshop Workshop for students on financial modeling using Excel. 12 March 2019
501 Dr. Rania AbuRaya HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, Russia and Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), Kingdom of Bahrain Experts from Russia, which is the world’s largest wheat exporter (in 2018/2019), Shari’ah scholars, and international community. Workshop Delegate and Participant in Islamic Finance for Food Security: Connecting Russia and Muslim Countries: to look at food security governance in Middle Eastern countries; to highlight those elements of international trade in commodities, which are in conflict with Shari’ah principles; and to offer a practical solution in the form of sustainable models in compliance with Shari’ah.
502 Dr. Haifa Ebrahim Mohamed Al Khalifa Department of Architecture, College of Architecture, Art and Design, University of Ajman Students Workshop Workshop Tutor for the “The Interactive Design Studios: Creating a Contemporary Mosque Design”
503 abeer salman dawood المؤسسة الوطنية لحقوق الانسان اكاديميون في مجال حقوق الانسان Workshop مشاركة الاستاذ باسم الشرجي، مساعد بحث وتدريس في الكلية، في تقديم ورشة عمل بعنوان “التنمر وأثره على حقوق الانسان” يوم الاحد 30 يونيو 2019،
504 Afaf Ebrahim Mohamed Afkarech Women entrepreneurs Workshop Participated in a workshop aimed to highlight the challenges and self-development of women entrepreneurs in the society.
505 Mohamed Bouzid MOKDAD Training program in kindergarten Kindergarten teachers 25 Workshop The two-day workshop was on learning through play. It included detailed information about learning by playing.
506 Hussain A.Rasool College of Health Sciences Public Workshop This workshop prepare faculty member to help act promptly in emergencies requiring first aid to public
507 د. ضياء صقر شاهين الجلاهمة المعهد الدبلوماسي بوزارة الخارجية البحرينية  البرنامج التأسيسي للدبلوماسيين الجدد 20 Workshop A workshop on Translation & Diplomacy 8-10 April 2019
508 Noor Nabeel Aldoy Little Makers Event Kids 10 Workshop with kids Teaching kids how to use 3D printer and laser cutter
509 Guy Matthew Parker Yokogawa Co. Yokogawa employees Usually ca. 12 per group Workshops Delivering workshops – usually 2 days to Yokogawa employees on behalf of Dept of Community Service, UoB. Workshop titles: Technical Report Writing and Business Report Writing
510 أحمد عبدالعزيز السيد دروس رمضانية عبر الواتساب أهالي قرية عسكر 100 Consultation إجابة عن أسئلة فقهية تردني عبر الهاتف
511 Hafeedh Mohamed Ebrahim British Council Teachers, educationalists, educational specialists, professional who are involved with teaching English around 300 Organizing Committee of Public Event Member of the organizing committee The Eighth Bahrain ELT Conference Learner Engagement
512 Hafeedh Mohamed Ebrahim Injaz Bahrain Level I & II Foundation Students Semester one around 602 students / Semester II  992 of academic year 2019 – 2020 (Virtual) Volunter for Injaz Bahrain coordinator of Work Readiness Program of Injaz Bahrain
513 عبد الفتاح أحمد يوسف صحيفة الجزيرة السعودية قراء الصحيفة في الوطن العربي 1000 Article مقال صحفي في مجال النقد الأدبي
514 توفيق عبد المنعم توفيق وزارة التربية والتعليم المرشدين الاجتماعيين والنفسيين بوزارة التربية والتعليم بمملكة البحرين 200 Lecture محاضرة بعنوان المستجدات العالمية في مجال الارشاد المدرسي في الفترة من 6_7 فبراير 2019
515 توفيق عبد المنعم توفيق المؤتمر الدوري الثامن للجمعية البحرينية لتنمية الطفولة 30 ابريل 2019 حضور من الجمعيات المماثلة وممثلين من قطاعات مختلفة 150 Lecture تقديم ورقة بعنوان نوعبة الحياة وتنشئة الطفل
516 توفيق عبد المنعم توفيق مشاركة في برنامج شمس البحرين بتلفزيون البحرين عام Lecture لقاء حول الصحة النفسية لمريضات سرطان الثدي
517 توفيق عبد المنعم توفيق البرنامج التأهيلي لمعلمات رياض الاطفال معلمات رياض الاطفال 30 Lecture محاضرة وتدريب حول نمو الطفل في مرحلة الروضة
518 د. باسم محمد الشرجي جامعة البحرين كافة أطياف المجتمع أكثر من 250 شخص Lecture المشاركة بإحدى جلسات الملتقى الحقوقي الرقمي الأبعاد القانونية الموضوعية والإجرائية لجائحة كورونا كوفيد 19 عبر تقديم بحث بالإضافة إلى كوني أحد أعضاء اللجنة التنظيمية للمؤتمر
519 Wafa Abdulrahman Al-Ghatam Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH) – Bahrain  &  Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities NA 10 Consultation  Consultation in Manama heritage center project with Urban and Housing Lab (UHL) at UoB
520 Wafa Abdulrahman Al-Ghatam  Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities BACA & Urban and Housing Lab (UHL) at UoB NA 100 Training Training and direct them for observing Manama Architectural Heritage between Urban and Housing Lab in University of Bahrain and BACA experts in Heritage
521 Wafa Abdulrahman Al-Ghatam Italian Design Hub in Bahrain 200 200 Competition Judge Public Exhibition of student final Urban design 9ARCG 317) and a Public jury,  jurors from governmental and private sectors such as the Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Transportation, BACA   29 & 30 December 2019
522 Wafa Abdulrahman Al-Ghatam Ministry of Housing MOH 500 500 Organizing Committee of Public Event Arab Housing Conference in Bahrain , hosting a both of Urban and Housing Lab research activities at UoB
523 Wafa Abdulrahman Al-Ghatam UN-Habitat Workshop and Urban Planning & Development Authority 400 400 Lecture Understanding Bahrain Urban form Lecture and most advance Urban methodology
524 Mostefa Miloud Ghassoul Institution of Engineering and Technology- Bahrain Local Network Yes about 40 or 50 Lecture Importance of Intelligent Tracking to Maximize Solar Energy Extraction
525 د. أروى عبدالطيف الشيخ جامعة البحرين / كلية الحقوق المهتمين بالدراسات القانونية وأساتذة جامعات الحقوق وطلاب كليات الحقوق 229 Lecture اللجنة التنظيمية
526 Dr. Mohammad Selim For Participation and valuable contribution to Tamkeen-Intelaaq Student consultancy Program Mainly final Year, 3rd year level students 50+ Lecture Lectured in meetings and explained the Intelaaq-Tamkeen programs for training and employment
527 Dr. Mohammad Selim Written about community economic development  in “Bahrain This Week” and  Published an article, entitled, “Growth and Transformation of Mature Economies with special reference to GCC countries”. Bahraini Community Target population 100,000+ Article In this article, I emphasized that for creating well paid jobs, especially for solving youth unemployment which is one of the highest in MENA region, the expansion of manufacturing sector is essential. It will create new well paid jobs, replace imports , promote exports and real GDP as well as the standard of living will improve. The economy will promote in full employment, trade deficits and budget deficits will disappear and the burden of debts will diminish in the long run.
528 Dr. Mohammad Selim Helped and fed Migrant workers Migrant workers Community 20+ Community Support Migrant workers are devoted to to the economic development of Bahrain. Any gesture of goodwill definitely becomes a big support.
529 Safeya Mohammed Ali Al Baharna مركز كيان للتربية الخاصة منتسبي المركز و أولياء أمور الطلبة المنتسبين للمركز في حدود ال ٥٠ Lecture القاء محاضرة بعنوان “لمحات عن التغذية السليمة و الصحية لذوي التوحد”
530 Dr. Wafa Janahi تنظيم ورشة عمل توعوية بعنوان “الاحتيال الالكتروني” لطالبات الصف العاشر بمدارس الإيمان طلبة المدرسة ٥٠ Lecture see page 8 of the attached Newsletter
531 Dr. Wafa Janahi موظفي وزارة الداخلية ٣٠ Lecture