
This policy establishes the research environment for the academic staff and postgraduate research students. It provides an overarching framework for the development and implementation of contract research at the University of Bahrain.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions under which the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is prepared to contract for research/consultation, to provide guidelines that regulate research contracts, to establish the framework that accommodates the research content according to the University’s scope and regulations, to clarify the various factors that must be taken into account, and to set the standards with which research contracts must comply.

Glossary of Terms/Definitions

Research Contract: a legally binding agreement to perform research/consultation on behalf of an external sponsor who, as a condition of sponsorship, requires a certain performance by the researcher, within a specified time frame, and acquires shared ownership and/or control of the publication of the research results.

Dean: Dean of a Faculty

FGR: Faculty of Graduate and Postgraduate Research

HECom: Human Ethics Committee

FunResearch: Funded Research

Responsible Bodies

1. Controller
The Controller prepares the financial reports. The Controller is approved and nominated by the Dean of the
Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.

2. Dean

  • The Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research should
  • Approve the terms of the contract in a written formal letter/form.
  • Share administrative responsibility.
  • Recommend amendments.

3.  Department Head
If applicable, the Department Head must:

  • Approve, in writing, the terms of the contract.
  • Share administrative responsibility.

4. Research Contract Leader

The Research Contract Leader must:

  • Draft and approve, in writing, the terms of the contract.
  • Prepare, content, style, number, delivery, and timeliness of all reports in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
  • Coordinate with the Controller regarding the financial report.
  • Submit at least one copy of the contract research reports to the Dean.
  • Ensure that the contract research is within the University’s framework and scope.
  • Obtain the necessary approvals for any budget changes.
  • Fulfil the responsibilities of implementing the procedures of the Research Policy and the Research Policy Committee.

5.  Research Policy Committee
This Committee is appointed and supervised by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. The Committee must:

  • Advise the High Approval Authority (University Council) on related policy matters.
  • Develop necessary revisions of this policy and related procedures.
  • Administer the policy and related procedures.

6. Legal Consultation Office

  • Share executive and administrative responsibility.
  • Recommend amendments when necessary.
  • Provide legal scope and consultation to approve Research Contracts.

Policy Changes and Development

1. This Policy should be developed or revised in the following cases:

  • changes in strategic direction and plans of the University
  • changes in the vision of the government

2. Before drafting or changing the policy, the Dean must:

  • Consult the President and the Legal Consultation Office.
  • Ensure the approval of the University Council.

General Regulations

  1. The electronic version is the official version of this policy, and it is available for the different sponsors. Although the research may be anywhere along with the basic to applied spectrum, the nature of a contract makes the relationship sponsor-driven, with “business-like” arrangements.
  2. The University’s management and faculty are responsible for ensuring that the University’s resources and facilities are used to further institutional objectives. Accepted Research Contracts must be of benefit to and consistent with the mandate and scope of the University.
  3. Once signed a contract obligates the University and the involved parties to perform as agreed. Failure to perform can be costly, not only in money but in terms of the University’s reputation.
  4. A contractual obligation on the part of the University gives research high priority for University facilities and resources.
  5. The University will accept research contracts which are consistent with the University’s teaching, research and public service mandates, for which the required expertise, facilities, and services are available.
  6. The contract must meet the standards set by this policy and its accompanying guidelines, and all relevant University policies, procedures, and regulations.
    The University will facilitate the necessary procedures to assure that favourable terms possible are obtained and the contract complies with University policies and guidelines.
  7. The Research Specifications are to be set by the Research Contract Leader and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. Specifications need to be reasonable and practicable with respect to time, facilities, and other required resources.
  8. The research statement should be sufficiently detailed to permit an articulate assessment in terms of the demands of the research, such as facilities and equipment, review for ethics, safety, and price.
  9. The time frame for the research is to be reasonable and practical, and it should carefully consider the availability of facilities and services, staff time, and any teaching, research, or other obligations of the researcher involved.
  10. Contract Price is to be sufficient to cover the project’s direct and indirect costs.
    The ownership of the research results is to be negotiated to ensure the benefit of the University in terms of publication and achievement.
  11. Research Reports and Financial Reports are to be agreed between the University and the Sponsor as attachments to the contract. The Research Leader is responsible for the preparation, content, style, number, delivery, and timeliness of all reports, except financial reports, in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
  12. The Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, with the consultation of the President, nominate candidates to form the research team based on expertise, qualifications, and field knowledge.
  13. If expenditures are to conform to a fixed budget, the Research Leader is responsible for ensuring that line items are adhered to and for obtaining, in advance and in writing, the necessary approvals for budget changes.
    In terms of payment, the contract is to specify the manner in which the University will be paid. As for the research staff, the University is not obliged to reveal its methods and proportions of payment to the sponsor unless specified in the contract.
  14. The contract must provide convenient mechanisms for renewal, extension, or termination, all of which need to be detailed in the written contract.
  15. After the contract is negotiated and the formal documents are prepared, the Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research should approve the contract by written consent. All the other involved faculty need to be informed about the contract within two working days to obtain their approval and consent forms.
  16. Execution/University Signature is required to finalize the final version of the Research Contract. This includes the approval of the University Council.